Dreaded Dare - 22

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Hunter's P.O.V

The air started to taste more and more like smoke as my lungs felt heavy inside of me and it was getting harder to breath. I started limping through the smoke trying to be quick, my arm still stings from where the fire singed it but I had to shake away the pain. That was until Skye finally reached the front door where she pushed me towards my uncle and Skye collapsed into a heap.

All the firefighters were shouting round the house entering it with their uniforms and spraying the fire with hose pipes, it was really scaring me and I didn't know what on Earth was going on.

"I-is Skye okay?" I coughed to my Aunt as an ambulance turned up, the paramedics rushed towards me as I tried to keep my eyes open but it was really hard to breathe when you can only breathe in smoky and clogged up air.

"Hunter you need to breath" My Aunt shouted as my eyes grew sleepy but I kept my eyes open. I felt a pair of arms pulling me onto a stretcher putting me into an ambulance where two paramedics stood over me. One of them put cold water on my arm whilst the other put an oxygen mask on me before applying alcohol to my bruises and cuts causing me to mutter in pain but it was hard to shout in pain when you can't speak.

"You sure as hell have been through a lot boy, we'll clean you up at hospital and feed you but nothing is broken, just bruises. Just keep breathing and the police will be on this case, we know it wasn't an accident" the lady told me smiling causing me to nod my head gently which hurt like hell, Noah's parents really beat the shit out of us.

Once we arrived at the hospital they fed me in a bed and let me rest whilst nurses put bandages on my bruises before my mother came through worriedly but she looked healthy and well.

"Hey honey, you can come home with me if you want. The rest of the family is okay, Ollie just has a bruised cheek but he is fine and waiting for you. Noah is really bruised and sore but he just needs to rest for a while and Skye has a big burn down her leg and is struggling to breathe at the moment" my mother told me causing me to worry, this was my entire fault.

"Will she be okay? Oh mum I need to go see her!" I told my mum frustrated, I needed to see my girl.

"She's on the way back home, she has an oxygen tank to use for a day or two to clear her lungs and get her breathing back to normal but except for that she is doing good, just a bit sore. Oh and I forgot to mention the police are offering her a bravery award for what she did back there; she sure has some guts Hunter and if she wasn't there to save us, well I don't want to think what would've happened then. But you were a bit of a dick to her earlier, I know I shouldn't call my son that but you need to make things right honey" my mum told me and I nodded grabbing her hands and slipping on my shoes.

"I know I was and I will make it up to her, anyway an award sounds good, when will she get it? Also what the heck happened at the house? Me and Noah were kidnapped in the streets and beaten up before they locked us up and set the house on fire" I told my mum shaking at the though.

"Well Noah took a statement on both your behalf's and it was his birth parents, you know what they are like...mental. But Ollie told Skye everything, he's been by her side since it has all happened, he couldn't take his eyes off her" My mum told me causing a flicker of jealousy to spur inside of me; I should be the one looking after her.

"The award will be given out sometime next week but we aren't sure yet. Anyway let's get going because I smell like hospital." My mum told me and me causing me to nod as I grabbed my jacket and headed out the hospital getting a nice breath of fresh air.

The drive home was silent and all I could picture was her jungle green eyes and her wide grin waiting for me and it was then I realized something. No way did I hate Skye, like her as a friend or fancy her. I loved her. Yeah it seemed crazy but without her in my life I wouldn't be who I am today, I'd still be the guy watching people get hurt, the jerk, the party animal and the guy who hung out with all the sluts.

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