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Evelyn's P.O.V (Child of Hunter and Skye)

"Mum how did you and Dad meet and fall in love? Also how did Auntie Jade and Uncle Ollie fall in love?" My older brother Leo asked mother curiously, actually that was a good question because they hadn't actually told us.

"Well my group of friends who you've heard of many times dared me to do something, and this something was to go in disguise on to the guys football team. I did this because I was the daredevil of the school because of my sister. Jade and Zoe helped me do my makeup whilst I was on the team with Caleb, Toby and Kyle." Mum continued as I remembered the time we went to visit Kyle in Australia with his girlfriend Kate, Toby with his husband Nate and Caleb with his girlfriend Samantha.

"On the team an attractive jerk discovered my identity and promised he'd keep my identity a secret if he could coach me so of course I said yes and that jerk ended up being your father. We hung out a lot and I met many new friends and I spent nearly every day with Ollie and Hunter. We had to go to a football camp together and whilst we were there lots of things went on between me and Hunter." Mum continued making me laugh when she mentioned dad being a jerk, apparently when he was our age he was 'a right player' as Grandma Colleen would say.

"When we got back my mother passed away and Hunter and I became closer and helped me move out my apartment, start fresh, study and he helped to get me back on my feet. After the bad days had gone by I started football again as the Coach and team knew and we played many matches but something happened on the last one. After we won the league and championships Hunter asked me to be his girlfriend and we spent Christmas together where he gave me a promise ring. Then long story short we moved in together at University and once we had figured out our goals in life and got stable jobs I became pregnant with twins and then Hunter proposed" My mum told me as I looked between her and Dad and instantly I could tell they loved each other

Usually it is soppy when you see your mum and dad kiss but my mother was pregnant at a young age and I find their love adorable, Hunter looks at my mum like she is an angel. I want their love some day and they have a cool story.

"You told me about you and Hunter but what about Jade and Ollie?" I asked now curious of how they met since they were the funniest and goofiest couple I had ever met because Ollie worked in my father's school and Jade was a fashion designer who provided the local shops with clothes.

"Basically they were good friends in high school and Jade had a crush on him after her boyfriend broke her heart. Ollie had a girlfriend called Avery but we called her Ava but Ava cheated on him after a couple of years and Ollie left her. Since Jade and Ollie were still in touch and basically best friends she was always there for Ollie and they fell in love one 'New Year's Eve'. They began dating and two years later he proposed and got Jade knocked up. Then they gave birth to a boy one year younger who is your Brother Leo's best friend Cameron." My mother told me as I remembered Cameron the guy a year below me; he was quite good looking and basically lived at my house

"That sounds really cool and all mum but can I leave the table now?" Leo asked getting a nod as he left the table. I then left the table afterwards seeing Hunter flirting with mum as I saw a furious blush sugar coat her cheek.

"Hey Evelyn get in here!" Leo shouted before dragging me into his room.

"What'd you want Leo?" I asked my twin brother but I knew that whatever it was I wasn't going to get out of it.

Leo and I were similar in many ways looks wise: we both had kind of tanned skin, dark brown hair, green eyes, light freckles scattered on our noses and were fairly tall but personality wise was completely different. Leo was a prankster, he loved to be different and was always trying out different things whereas I just played football, studied and had a small group of friends but I wasn't that daring.

"How about we play truth or dare like Mum did when she was little? I know you aren't that daring but come on Evelyn! You have to break out your shell one day!" Leo asked smirking.

"Fine I'll do it for you but if something bad will happen it is your fault!" I told him as I raised my middle finger.

"Okay but you have to promise on your life you will do the dare I am about to ask as childish as it sounds" Leo told me slyly so I'm guessing he has a plan up his sleeve.

"I promise and you can pick the truth or the dare for me because I'm not bothered which!" I told him wishing I could go back in time and change that one sentence.

"Since I will be going there along my Cameron I was thinking about how this will all plan out. I dare you Evelyn Adams to go in disguise to the football boarding school for a whole month and a half without getting your cover blown. I know Cameron and I will be there to help you but just think that mum met her true love and you may meet yours. So tell me Evelyn do you accept?" Leo asked me as my breathing stopped.

"B-But how will you enrol me and what about mum and dad?" I asked panicking inside.

"They aren't being bad parents but mum agreed and said I could dare you that and she said she'd sort it out and dad was all for it. They said they'd even help organize it so will you do it Evelyn? Think of all the abs and six packs" Leo told me winking as I thought about it.

I didn't exactly have anything to lose since I had just finished school and I wasn't exactly going to die from it was I? As much as I regretted the words that came out my mouth next I said them anyway.

"Fine I'll do it. What do I have to lose anyway?" I said back to him, what I have gotten myself in to.


So it is finally over and wow I cry so hard, this is my first ever long story and I am pretty proud. It started as a joke but then it became into something more: the characters became real and I feel like I know the characters personally as silly as it sounds. I feel emotionally attached to the characters and I have enjoyed writing this book so much you have no idea.

Thank you all so much for all these lovely votes and comments I have received and it is appreciated very much. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing, editing and reading it myself. I know it may not be the best typed up and written thing but it is my own and sorry it isn't perfect but I hope it was still enjoyable. Leave a comment and vote so I can see if you enjoyed this or not!


Thanks so much for reading and I love you all so much!


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