Dreaded Dare - 10

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Skye's P.O.V

I started to climb with all the strength I could muster getting further away from Ollie and Hunter seeing their surprised and beaten faces beneath me as I got further up the rock climbing wall with my nimble feet. It may be hard to believe but I used to do gymnastics and ballet from reception to year seven which made me quick on my feet.

I was advancing towards the bell now seeing Hunter catching up with me but Ollie was way further down and keep tripping at a certain point causing me to snigger; I was going to win against competitive Hunter. I got further and further up before I was a centimetre away from the bell waiting till both Hunter and Ollie were at the bell. That's when I took the string and rung the bell before slowly descending down the rock climbing wall getting a smile from coach

"Good team work there Damon, waiting for your team and you did beat Hunter who is usually the first up there and if he got to the top first he would of rang that damn bell before you could take another breath!" Coach told me causing me to laugh in a manly way.

"Well you should sub him in one of matches and see how he reacts if the team wins without him!" I told coach winking and he nodded smirking.

"I would but I don't want a stroppy Hunter, trust me it doesn't go down well, anyway you three can head and have lunch and meet for a game of football at three so you have three hours to eat and do what you want" Coach told me, Hunter and Ollie.

I smiled thankfully at coach before sprinting towards the canteen knowing that it was already a race of me vs Hunter. I was about to walk into the Canteen realizing it was a glass door and that I was about to hit it so I quickly stuck my shoes in to the ground putting down all my weight and putting arms in front to stop the impact feeling my heart hit my chest but I realized Hunter hadn't stop.

"HUNTER STOP-!" I shouted but it was too late because before I knew it he was on top of me and I felt my knee throbbing and I knew my wig had come straight off.

"You okay? I did try to stop but I couldn't get enough grip to stop, I'm really sorry Skye!" Hunter told me with a worried expression plastered onto his face, he looked so cute.

I smiled at Hunter to show him I was okay even though there was a slight pain in my chest and my knee but as I laughed Hunter started to laugh and all his worries faded away; this is the Hunter I loved. Once we had stopped laughing for no reason his chocolate brown eyes looked in to mine and they looked just like puddles of melted chocolate making me feel warm and safe.

He then took his hand away from the side of my head and he then put it on my face gently stroking my cheek and outlining my lips causing me to go red and shiver.

"You look so cute when you blush Skye, it just makes me want to ki-" Hunter whispered huskily to me till Ollie came and interrupted us, I want to know what Hunter was going to say but I didn't dare to ask him now.

"Eh, I am shipping Hye right now but could you two maybe... I don't know...get up?" Ollie coughed in an awkward tone causing Hunter to jump up stretching his hand out and helping me up causing me to yelp in pain as my leg starting to sting.

"How about I cook something at the cabin because I might need to wrap your leg up and put some ice on it because a) it's bleeding and b) it is swelling a bit" Hunter told me a guilty look on his face.

"It wasn't your fault so don't be guilty, and only if you cook me my favourite: steak and chips" I told Hunter and he nodded.

"Anything for you Skye" Hunter told me and I bit my lip and tried not to blush but that obviously failed as I felt my cheeks heat up as I started to walk but it hurt my leg a bit and my walk turned into a painful limp.

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