Dreaded Dare - 2

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Skye's P.O.V

I woke up to find the strips of light shining through the shabby curtains I owned. Usually I would be lying in bed for another ten minutes but then I realized it was football try outs, to say I was nervous was simply an understatement.

Quickly jumping out of bed I put together all my football clothing and makeup I would need. I threw on my favourite jumper and a pair of blue high-waisted skinny jeans before putting on my doc martins. I brushed down my hair, which was luckily not as curly, after grabbing my bags I ran as fast as possible to the bus realizing I was late but luckily enough I saw Zoe who held the bus for me and saved me a seat next to her.

"Thank you so much, I was a bit behind schedule!" I told her smiling before taking the seat next to Zoe.

"I'm guessing you nearly missed the bus and got up late, because have you heard the noises your stomach is making?" Zoe asked and I nodded feeling extremely embarrassed as my stomach began to gurgle.

"Yeah, do you have any food I can eat?" I asked Zoe with a fake angelic smile causing her to roll her eyes.

"I always pack extra food because a certain someone always seems to be getting up late!" Zoe told me glaring which made her seem more serious but it just made me laugh harder than I was already.

Zoe started fiddling around her bag before taking out a jam sandwich and a juicy looking apple probably from her garden.

"And this is why you're my best friend!" I said aloud getting a few weird looks from different class mates but I ignored them as I munched on my jam sandwich and apple.

When the bus finally got to school I grabbed all my bags but before I could step out the bus and onto the pavement someone pushed me to the side causing me to come face to face with my old friend, the floor. I gasped in pain and looked down to see my knee was cut open with blood trickling out, feeling heat rising up my neck to my cheeks I looked up to see the culprit: Hunter Adams, I guess you could say I wasn't surprised it was him who pushed me.

I wasn't though because he was that type of person you would assume was a bad boy and a player who messes with girl's feelings, I only thought this because usually popular people on the football team are portrayed as players in many of my favourite novels.

"Oh gosh, Skye are you okay?" Zoe asked me concerned causing me to nod embarrassingly as I grabbed her hand to get up.

If Hunter said sorry it would have gone over the top of my head but he didn't say a word although I did see a flash of guilt in his eyes. He just walked away completely ignoring me earning high fives from the usual school slags. That's what annoyed me about the guys in my school, whenever you hurt someone you get five minutes of fame.

"AT LEAST WATCH WHERE YOU STEP!" I shouted at Hunter annoyed that he hadn't yet apologized to me.

"Sorry but you shouldn't have took your time getting out the bus then I wouldn't have gone into the back of you" Hunter told me but his voice was monotone, void of any emotion.

"You're the one who should look where you're going you moron, I was obviously in front of you so you trip me up and just walk away. I always wondered why all the girls with no personality hung around you but then I realized it's because you have something in common with them!" I could hear my voice getting louder and higher each time whereas Hunter stood there shocked for a moment that I answered him back but I didn't care, he was pathetic.

"Gee, sorry Skye" Hunter told me looking genuinely sorry until one of his friends burst out laughing as if he was joking. But by this time I didn't care that Hunter had apologized, I was too mad at his stupid friends that I walked over to the friend that had laughed and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

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