Dreaded Dare - 15

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Skye's P.O.V

"Dear Skye,

So I know things may be hard since I am gone but I want you to stay strong for me, I will never be gone Skye, I will always be with you in your heart and I'll be watching over you. I know it may have been an un-expected death but I don't want you missing out on things because of my death! I love you so much and I am so sorry that this had to happen to you sweetheart, you didn't deserve this but I am finally at peace and all my pain will be gone.

It is hard at first to get over death but you heal, you may not heal fully but you do heal. I don't want you missing school and events or not leaving the house because of me, I want you to keep on living as if I am still with you. You never disappointed me and I am the luckiest mother on the Earth, you kept me strong and hopeful but I knew I was going to die soon but I didn't want to worry you although you probably knew. But I am happier now sweet heart and I am so thankful I had a smart, pretty and great daughter and I wish you the best in your future.

I don't want you moping around, keep them grades high for me and I'm sure Hunter would be a gentleman and look after you. I have a letter for him as well but that isn't important at this moment in time.

I just wanted to say that I don't want you to put your life on pause, carry on school and sell the house, treat yourself to a new place and new furniture with the money you will receive in my will! Get rid of your things and give mine to charity, buy an apartment and go to University, get loads of new things and more importantly live your life to the fullest but please don't mourn forever.

I would hate to see you in pain but I know you're strong, you can get through this. And I know what your like and I know you will be blaming yourself for my death but please don't. Hunter will help you move on with your life and move out and I'm sure his mother Colleen would (I had a word with her when I knew my days were short).

I love you ever so much Skye darling and don't you forget that at all, okay? Because I'll always be with you and it is better for me now because I won't be in pain, I only carried on for you but now I am free. I'll be watching over you and I love you so much!

From your mother xx" Hunter read aloud to me in a quiet and sympathetic voice, even his voice went crackly at some parts but I knew my mum would want me to stay strong.

Today I would mourn because not only was my mum the person who brought me into this world, and she was my mum, my best friend. I know I'll mourn for longer than she would want me to but it's better to let the pain in than turn it away.

"D-Did you get a letter from my mum?" I asked Hunter and he nodded with tear coated eyes.

"Yeah, but your mother told me not to let you see it, not yet anyway" Hunter told me and I nodded but secretly inside it was killing me, I needed to know what she told Hunter.

"It wasn't anything bad Skye, don't worry about that, I just can't show you the letter this moment in time" Hunter told me smiling sympathetically.

"O-Okay Hunter, I'm going to go to bed now anyway. Night" I told him looking at the clock which said nine o'clock but to me it felt like two in the morning, my eyes were so droopy and were stinging it was hard to see my surroundings.

"If you need me in the middle of the night or want anything just come to my room" Hunter told me and I nodded heading out the room and into 'my room' wrapping the covers all around me so I was in a little cocoon and I started trying to sleep.

After hours of trying to sleep I realized sleep just wouldn't come because every time I tried to close my eyes and get to sleep the image of my mum came into my head making me burst into tears. It just kept happening repeatedly, me closing my eyes and seeing the image before opening my eyes and realizing she was dead and not coming back. I must have been loud because before I knew it I saw someone stood at the door.

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