Sequel- Opinions!

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Hey Readers,

Lately my book has began to gain many more viewers causing many more people to suggest I post a sequel to this book. I do have an idea in mind I wouldn't mind trying out that I'm working on right now. I'm having a very busy year at the moment so I can't promise frequent updates but I would try my best.

I was wondering if I decided to upload a sequel to this book who may be interested in reading it? If you would please comment on this chapter so I know, your support lately means a lot to me. I know this book has many mistakes as I made this at quite a young age and it's unedited due to a 50,000 word challenge I did in one whole month but I know many still did enjoy this book which means so much. Just let me know I and I may consider uploading another chapter soon x

- perksofpurple

Update- many things have happened privately which have gotten in the way and made it harder for me to write, along with lots of work I am still considering doing a sequel but it will just be slower updates and posted a bit later than expected. Sorry guys! X

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