I Think About This Time From Time, And It's Still Pretty Chilling

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  At the time, I was 15, and my mum and sister were away for a few days, so it was just my dad and me.

It was a school night, and I was always one to push the limits when it came to going to bed. Around midnight, I was chilling in my room, doing whatever, and I heard someone moving about in the kitchen.

Naturally, I assumed it was my dad (as it wasn't terribly uncommon of him to wake up in the night), and scrambled to turn off the lights and get into bed. My bed was pretty creaky, so this made a little noise, but I just figured my dad would think it was me moving around in my sleep if he heard.

My bedroom door slowly opened. It was strange, as I wasn't a little kid and my dad was usually pretty trusting, but nonetheless I didn't dare open my eyes. I obviously didn't want to get in trouble for still being up so late.

The door stayed open for a long time, probably around 8-10 minutes.

It was strange enough that I asked my dad in the morning if he came into my room during the night. He was sure that he hadn't gotten up last night, and he has no history of sleepwalking.

My theory was that someone may have opened a window, because we often used the windows to regulate the temperature and might have forgotten to lock the windows that night. If so, why wasn't anything stolen?  

Let's Not Meet AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora