I Just Fought Off A Potential Dog Kidnapper

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Okay, some background info: I'm 16, kinda short and stout, and although I don't look like it, I consider myself to be pretty badass. I've been doing taekwondo for nearly 7 years now, and my specialty is sparring, meaning I fight well. I've also got a hell of a roundhouse kick, it can break through 6 inches of good wood.

So, I finally got my first puppy last month, and I spoil the shit out of him lol. His name is Casper, and he's the cutest thing ever (but I'm kinda biased too XD).

So, anyways, I was just taking Casper out for a walk in my neighborhood, and I'm home alone at this time. I feel extra on edge, since I'm still recovering from the shock of the stalker incident, and I put in some earbuds and sat on the ground, facing away from Cas as he did his business.

I heard some barking, and I knew who it was, so I took out my earbuds, and I see this random ass guy I don't even know holding Casper. My dog is un-leashed. This dude just unclipped my dog, and he was holding him when I turned around and stood up. I'm absolutely livid at this point, and totally frustrated, and this guy is awkwardly smiling. I know that being assertive will scare him off, and I bring my phone behind my back and quickly text a guy friend of mine, who is also a neighbor of mine, telling him to meet me urgently.

"Put my fucking dog DOWN. RIGHT NOW.", I said.

This guy must not have heard me ... or wanted to hear me.

Instead, he says, "He's so soft...How much would his fur cost? Where can I buy a purebred dog like this?"

I snapped, all patience lost. "I will hurt you, trust me. So put my dog down. I will call the cops right now."

I can hear my friend's skateboard rolling down the hill, and after warning this creep again, I punched him straight in the neck. He dropped poor Casper in shock, and I punched him a few more times, until he pulled the knife out. That's when I knew I lost my advantage of surprise, and my friend has picked up and clipped Casper safely on his leash.

My friend Jake says, "Dude, who the fuck are you?"

The guy's eyes start looking around, back and forth, and I could see him looking at a parked car nearby. It was empty, but here's especially what creeped me out.

The trunk was wide open, and so was the driver's seat. It was like somebody was planning on shoving something into the trunk hastily and driving off.

The guy is trying to be threatening, and raises his knife, but I could tell he was actually scared, and didn't know how to use one at all. All I had to do was kick his wrist, and it fell to the floor. I picked up the knife, and held it in a threatening way, but making it seem as if I was experienced. I actually had no idea what I was doing.

Jake called me, so I turned around, as he brings some bags over, and shows me his phone, telling me he got pictures of the content of the car. He looks over to the creepy guy, and says, "I've got pictures of EVERYTHING. Leave now unless you want me sending them to the police station. And I promise I will."

This guy is about to shit himself, and runs away, and I don't want to be home alone, so I head over to Jake's house, where I am right now. Here's another chilling fact.

In the bags were little opened trail mix packets. All the chocolate candies and raisins are sorted out into a ziploc bag. If you don't already know, these foods are fatal to dogs. Chances are that this creep was trying to snatch my dog when he felt like I wasn't looking, so he could go do God-knows-what to my puppy.

Inside the car was a bottle of pills, an electric razor, another empty Ziploc, and a rope, as well as a collar. If I ever see that guy again, I will literally fight him.

How can anyone ever do that to a poor defenseless puppy? This is a small, helpless naïve creature who will trust you, even as you abuse it! That fucking sicko makes me want to vomit, honestly.

Thankfully Casper and I are fine now, but his ear is bleeding a little, I still don't know why, and his body is sore from being dropped, and picked up roughly by that creepy guy.

So, creepy dude that tried to steal and possibly kill my puppy, let's not meet.

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