Creepy Old Ladies Alert

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This is an early memory, so please forgive any minor details that might be fuzzy, leading to the main experience, which is still crystal clear in my mind.

I was 7 or 8. Our neighbourhood was a nice middle class one, in a neighbourhood watch area as well, and on a relatively quiet street. Because of this, and because even at a young age I enjoyed being outside after dark, my parents felt safe with letting me stay outside until the streetlights came on.

This was never a problem or cause for fear or concern until this one fall evening. My neighbourhood friends had gone inside before me, as they often did, so I decided to ride my bike alone up the street a little ways to the church parking lot. I rode my bike or skated here alone many times before, and had always felt safe doing so, especially being that my back yard was just across the street and two houses up a small hill, and was easily seen from where I was.

After riding my bike and practicing wheelies for a while, I noticed the street lights pop on and the tell-tale deepening blue of the sky Telling me it was time to get home. I was walking out of the parking lot with my bike, ready to cross the street, when I saw a car coming up the road.

It was a big, old car, and was moving very slow. But I was taught not to ride or walk out in front of traffic, so I stood there with my bike and waited for them to pass.

Instead of passing, the car slowed down and stopped right in front of the curb where I was standing. I backed away instictively, as I was a very shy little girl, and quite untrusting of strangers.

The window rolls down, and inside the car, sitting side by side by side, are three old women (Not kidding). They looked to be in their late sixties/early seventies, with gray granny haircuts and dowdy floral regular nice grandmas.

Smiling too sweetly, the one closest to me in the passenger seat says hello to me and asks my name. I tell her bluntly I don't give my name to strangers. She tells me she is hard of hearing and asks if I could come closer so that she can hear me better. She asks me if I know where (___ ___) daycare is. I literally have no idea. At 7 years old, my map ended at the top of our street. I tell her no again (in a loud enough tone to be heard from my rooted "out of reach" position) and tell her that I have to go home.

I notice the lady driving is not speaking or looking at me. Just staring at her rear view mirror or looking ahead, and the other old lady is smiling at me, not talking but occasionally quietly saying something to the old woman who is talking to me. I also remember clearly taking notice of and wondering why these ladies were all crammed up front in a bench seat while the spacious backseat was empty.

All of these things started to cause real alarm in me, and I considered running for it. Some part of me was afraid they would back over me if I ran behind their car to get away.

It was then that the passenger seat lady offers me a ride home. I practically shout "NO". She looks slightly put off and then asks if I would help them look for this daycare if they took me to Dairy Queen. All the while the driver is still sitting there quietly.

It was then I heard my mother calling for me. Snapped out of my frozen reverie, I dropped my bike and ran like my ass was on fire for home!

I told my mother what happened. She believed me, as I was not prone to attention getting wild tales. She looked over to the church from our backyard and the car was still there, idling. After a minute or two it creeped away down the street and was gone. My dad went to retrieve my abandoned bike, and I never saw them or their car again.

I've tried over the years to apply any reason or rationale to the situation. I know in my gut that they were up to no good. But why would OLD LADIES try to kidnap me? I read years later that the black market is full of "kindly" old ladies, who seem altogether harmless and unassuming, and are hired to assist in abductions. I've often wondered too if that spacious backseat was indeed empty...

Seeing as how long ago this happened, and given their advanced age at the time, I am certain that we will not meet again in this world. However, I would like to stress to any readers out there to be careful, and always listen to your inner alarms. Wolves, after all, are masters of disguise.

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