Body In A Box

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So, I live in an area that is considered relatively dangerous. So much so, in fact, that kids are taught regularly in schools what to do in dangerous situations (such as being abducted, break-ins, etc.). When I was 18-19 years old, being armed with this knowledge and pepper spray, I felt that I could handle myself. Admittedly, the decisions I made were still incredibly stupid. For instance, there was a certain very long road without streetlights that I would walk at 3 AM to meet with friends in a nearby neighborhood. I say nearby because it was a 15 minute drive, but the walk was much longer. On that road is where my story begins.

I'm walking back home alone at maybe 5 or 6 AM, taking in the soft breeze and enjoying the forestry around me. The road is empty most of the time as there aren't many houses and it's early. Naturally, I'm not used to being harassed or bothered on this road at this time in the morning. However, as I'm passing a familiar house on this stretch, headlights slowly flood the street. I glance back to see an old, faded blue car creeping around a blind turn. This didn't frighten me, as that's how people would drive in this neighborhood when they were too high. I shrugged, figuring that it was just some ridiculous stoner.

That's when I heard it.

The sound of the car picking up speed sent goosebumps up my spine. I took a deep breathe, reminded myself that I had my phone and pepper spray and shook the paranoia off. The car grew closer and I heard it slowing once more. I knew it was near, because the shine of the headlights on the road was now in front of me. This could only mean that the car was now moving alongside me.

Mind you, I'm small, maybe 5'5" and about 120 lbs and I was even smaller back then. I was almost too afraid to look over. I was imagining some mega-built bald guy leering at me with a knife. I happened another glance at the car. I could barely make out the details of the figure behind the wheel. He was an older man, from what I could tell.

"Hey there! Need a ride?" His voice was raspy, but loud.

"No, thank you." I called, keeping my eyes forward.

"Come on. A pretty thing like you shouldn't be out alone when it's dark." He chuckled.

"I'm okay." I kept my voice level but picked up my pace. I may have been able to take this guy if he were walking but he had the advantage of being in a car. I couldn't outrun him. If he decided to run me over with his car, I might be able to call 911 if I survived.

"Get in. I promise I'm not gonna rape you or anything." His voice had suddenly grown stern.

"No, that's okay." I shook my head, thinking sarcastically, 'Oh, that's what to say to convince me you're not a rapist!' Despite my consistent refusal, the old man still kept beside me. After a few more minutes, I unhooked my pepper spray from the clip that held it on my purse. The man saw this and sped off.

As stupid as it is, that didn't discourage me from walking that road late at night. I figured that I handled myself well enough and that I'd be okay. So, I continued to take that route and every night after that, I would see the man in the exact same spot. He'd slow down next to me and I'd immediately grab my phone and pepper spray. I'd usually pretend to talk to someone on my cell as he gave me a hard look through his window. He'd speed off.

After a few mornings of this, I decided to avoid that road at night. I even had to stop hanging out with those friends as they were night owls and were usually asleep during the day. Fast forward three years and last week, I saw an alarming article on my Facebook news feed. On that road, near that familiar house, that exact spot where the creeper would try to bother me, the police found something that made me sick. They found a body in a cardboard box, just off the road. It wasn't even hidden. I'm not sure if it was the same guy, but I can't shake the feeling that it could've been me in that box. However, I don't think the police have caught the murderer yet.

I've gotten more careful since then. I don't go out at night unless I have someone with me and I have a taser now. Still, creepy old guy who is quite possibly a murderer, let's not ever meet again.

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