Internet Girlfriend

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The year is 2003. I am a fifteen year old boy and living in a small city. This is a place where everyone seems to know everyone.

I am typically shy and often use the internet as a way to meet people. During this time the instant messenger ICQ was still pretty popular amongst the teens in my area. I would often stay up late adding new people and chatting them up. I would do this by searching by city and adding people I knew from school. This is how met her. Her name was Sarah.

We began chatting innocently enough. The normal "Hey, what's up?" Sort of deal. Now, Sarah was self described seventeen year old girl. Short, brown hair and nerdy. We hit it off pretty fast. We had so much in common and I found it easy to open up to her. Although, I thought it was strange that I had never seen her in school. "I go to the Christian school." Explaining why I had never seen her.

We continue chatting for sometime and I eventually give her my home phone number. We chat regularly over the phone until eventually she asks "Would you like to hang out sometime?" Without hesitation we make plans for me to go over to her house, hangout and watch movies.

The day finally comes for us to hangout. I make my way across town to the address she gave me. It's a small apartment building. Slightly confused on how she and the rest of her family would fit in such a small apartment, I make my way up the stairs.

I knock and I am immediately greeted at the door by a woman. Maybe in her late twenties or early thirties. I knew this was Sarah but she didn't look anything like she described. I was instantly weirded out but followed her into her small one bedroom apartment. I stupidly asked "So, are your parents home?" She laughed "No, it's just me here."

I'm now sitting awkwardly on the couch. "Do you drink?" She's looking at me across the room. "Water." I joke. We both share an awkward laugh as she pours me a glass of wine. I never take a sip of it. She sits close to me after popping in a bootleg copy of Finding Nemo. "My brother got this for me while it was still in theaters. He's like a hacker or something." She giggles.

At this point she is very close to me. I am uncomfortable and being the weirdo I am, I shift to the floor. I'm now sitting on the floor with my back up against the couch. She then straddles me from behind. "You look so tense." She begins rubbing my back. "I'm really good at this. I can make you feel so good." I lean forward "Heh, thanks but you don't need to do that, I'm fine."

I explain that I should be going. She points to her bedroom "You can stay the night. I've never had a guy stay in my bed." She keeps making sexual advances telling me how she hasn't had sex in so long and she just wants to meet a nice guy like me. All the while she keeps touching my arms and face. Now, at this point in my life I was still a virgin but this lady was not going to be the one to change that. I talk my way out of the situation and head home.

The next few days I get several messages telling me she misses me and she's sorry. Eventually, I cave and respond to one of her messages. I ask her why she lied and what her deal is. She tells me she has a hard time meeting friends and that she doesn't like people her own age. I feel bad, forgive her and we make plans to talk in person.

Here I am at my last encounter with Sarah. I ride my bike to her apartment. Once inside I am greeted not only by her but her parents too. They introduce themselves. "Finally we get to meet Sarah's boyfriend." Her dad jokes. "We've heard so much about you. She's always going on about how great you are." Her mom follows up.

In my head in freaking out. I am not this girl's boyfriend! Sarah grabs my hand and laces our fingers. She looks so happy. Her parents are just stopping over to pick something up and were actually on their way out the door when I showed up. If I was going to get out of here now would be the chance.

I grab the box her mom was about to pick up. "I'll take that down for ya!" Her mom smiles "You're a keeper." I help her parents load the box in their SUV and hop on my bike. "I was just swinging by to say hi. I should probably get home!" Sarah wraps her arms around me and kisses my cheek. I ride home confused and plan on never talking to that girl again.

She dropped me a few messages I never responded to. She called the landline a few times but we never spoke.

I don't know what ever happened to her. I don't know why her parents didn't question my age or if they were just ok with it.

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