Oh, Tinder

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So this happened about two summers ago. I (21 at the time) decided to go on Tinder because my job required anywhere from 70-100 hours a week. So - I barely had time to sleep let alone meet someone. I see this one guy who is a very attractive 42 year old. Yes, I know. We happen to match and we chat a bit and eventually exchange numbers. We text back and forth a bit and he ends up calling me and the phone call was pretty normal. No red flags that I'm aware of. We set up a date for the upcoming week.

Week arrives - I'm walking to a small park in the city to meet him. This may be awful to say but I cannot stand a man who bathes in cologne. I could smell the guy from ten feet away. He walks up to me and immediately I feel something is off. I thought hey, maybe I'm just being silly. And this is where the fun begins. We go to this restaurant and we're eating, drinking. He starts receiving phone call after mother fucking phone call. Within the hour we spent at this restaurant he took about 6-7 phone calls all speaking in Hebrew.

So my Spanish ass didn't understand a single word he was saying. I'm fuming at this point and when he hangs up his call - I tell him that he should take his phone calls and I would rather go home. He tells me he is sorry and that it is his birthday so his family is calling him to wish him a happy birthday. I find it odd that he'd want to go out on a date with some girl he met online rather than hang out with his friends. Maybe I'm thinking too much. At this point this man is a few shots in. He starts grabbing me aggressively and I tell him to back up a little, we just met and I don't want him touching me that way in public. He stops. At this point I should have left - I don't know why the hell I didn't.

Check's taken care of by him. He asks me to go get drinks with him. I assume this meant walking to get drinks because as I said - home boy is a few shots in and I think he's a little tipsy at this point. But he says he wants to drive to a different bar and I refuse to get in the car if he was planning on driving in his current state. He asks me to walk to his car because he needs to sit down before we go to whatever the fuck bar we were going to. I'm not too alarmed by this because it was a very well lit, populated area of the city. We get into his car and he asks me if I wanted a drink. I have this puzzled look on my face and he starts laughing, gets out of the car and opens the trunk. This. Guy. Comes. Back. With. Two. Sippy. Cups. And. A. Bottle. Of. Whiskey.

I look at him and I ask him first - "Why do you have those cups?" At the same time I turn around and see a car seat in the back. This idiot has a son. He's using his son's sippy cups to pour whiskey in them. He offers me a drink and I deny it because, well, I'm not drinking fucking whiskey A. In your car, B. Out of YOUR SON'S SIPPY CUPS, and B. A BOTTLE THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN OPENED. He starts getting agitated and he gets back in the car and closes the door and asks me if I wanted a drink to which again, I replied no. I told him "Listen, you shouldn't be drinking in your car like this you can get arrested there are cops all around here and you're 42, you are old enough to enter a bar now!" With that he gets visibly angry and his voice gets louder and he says "shut the fuck up."

At this point he grabs me by my hair and he tries to jam his fucking tongue in my mouth and I tell him to get the fuck off me. He stops and looks at me and he raises his fist to try and punch me, my adrenaline kicked in and I started punching as hard as I could and I ran out of the fucking car with tears in my eyes. As I'm running, these guys (4 guys) come up to me and they say...I kid you not, "Why the fuck are you hitting my friend?"

At that moment I didn't really process the question and I kept going. I got into the first cab that pulled up and went the fuck home. When I got home I started wondering - wait. Why were those four guys there in the first place? His friends? What were they planning on doing? I was terrified at this point but grateful to have been able to make it home safely.

And it doesn't end here. Next morning, I get a text from this guy on Whatsapp. He sends me an audio message of a woman who he apparently is speaking to telling him all these things she'd be willing to do, and how much she likes to party. He says, "I wish you were more like her, you're so much sexier. Why did you leave last night? We should hang out again." I'm staring at my fucking phone in disbelief. I know damn well he was not drunk enough to forget. I should have blocked him, but instead I responded telling him he was fucking absolutely insane.

He responded, "Hahah you're fucking crazy girl. You're such an immature 21 year old. I knew it when we were in my car you didn't want to take that drink." He said if he ever saw me on Tinder again I'd regret it. I immediately blocked him and deleted my tinder shortly after that. That honestly was one of the scariest encounters. What scared me the most was that his friends were right around the corner.

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