Can We Sit Here

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So this happened yesterday, me and my 2 friends all of us are (F 16), we decided to go to the beach since yesterday in the uk it was really hot and we never really get hot weather. We don't live near any beach so we have to get a metro which usually takes 1 hour to get to the beach we wanted to go to.

We took the metro and eventually got to our destination, got off the metro walked towards the beach got there and it was full of people lots of family's big groups of friends etc.

We'd been sitting on the beach for a few hours, just talking, sunbathing, trying to catch a tan when two men were stood in front of us and asked if they could sit with us but before I had a chance to say no they just sat down obviously freaked out as these men were at least 30 years old, one of my friends had her back to them, at first we didn't know what to do so we were all just awkwardly laughing while they were asking us stuff, but when they first sat down my gut feeling was telling me that something was wrong and I always trust my gut feeling, they asked us if we wanted a Red Bull drink and if we drank 'hard drink', I asked for there names but they started laughing and said there names were too long to pronounce.

I started saying out loud to my other friends "is your mum coming yet", just to try and scare them off and see if they'd leave, they kept asking my friend to turn around as they wanted to see her face, and they asked her name but I quickly replied for her and gave them a Fake name.

My other friend came back over and she had her back to them standing up and I could see them as I was facing them and they started bringing vodka out asking us to drink it and just take it. Out of no were a white man appeared and asked if he could lend a smoke and sat down with them they all had the same blue cups but the white man acted like he didn't know them, he had Short's a blue t shirt and sunglasses on he just seemed suspicious.

So at this point I didn't know what to do i looked around to see if I could see anyone that would help us and I seen a group of boys playing with a football so I went over to them and asked if we could pretend to be with them as the other men were creeping us out.

The boys were so lovely came over helped us collect our stuff and moved us further away from them and asked us to shout for them if anything else happened. Now I'm sorry if this story's long and I'm a rubbish writer but this is when stuff started to get weird we had moved away from them, not far but far enough.

The white man kept standing up walking behind us going behind a hill and then going back to join the other two men he repeated this while looking over at us 3 times, me and my friends were freaking out and we were all so scared as we weren't close to home, the white man walked behind us and was walking up the path as we sat closer to the path but still on the beach when we moved away from them. He Spoke really loud basically shouting on his mobile and said "No I'm not taking 2.7 million, the offer is 3 million, no I'm not behind a knob but that was the asking price" Obviously we are all not dumb and knew he was trying to pass himself off as rich.

After he had walked away I walked over to a old women and younger woman and asked them if they kept an eye on us from behind incase he came behind us. The woman told us she had been watching us since they first came over she said she knew something was up when we moved and he walked past us and started talking about money on his phone, I was so grateful as they took pictures of them and came over to us before they left and told us they were going to show the pictures to the park and if anything else happened we'd have to go straight to the park and they would ring the police for us, I thanked them and they left.

After that we were at a distance where we could watch them and they started making there way towards us again so i looked behind me and they started making there way to these other girls that were drying off so I went over to them and warned them that these men were creepy and stay clear off them. After that the men hopped over the fence, The white man shouted really loud "come on because the limousine is waiting for us" and they left and we didn't see them again.

We walked to the metro station with the boys that helped us move away from them because when I rang and told my mum she was freaking out and telling us to get home and ask to walk with the other boys or ring the police she was really worried she thought they were gonna grab us and put us in a car, freaking me out even more which didn't help.

I just want to know if we were overreacting and maybe they were nice people or if my gut feeling was right and there was something off about them? Everyone else at this beach were with a big group of friends we were the only people without any boys in our group and I wonder that's why they approached us? I'd like to know what there intentions were, and what you think there intentions were??

Here's a picture of the men

But creepy people at the beach Lets not meet ever again!

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