When Helping Someone Goes Wrong...

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So this happened very recently, 17/10/2015 to be exact. I've only just come to terms with what happened. So myself and a group of friends were coming back on the train having seen our favourite football/soccer team lose pretty bad. We were as you can imagine a bit disheartened, however we were determined to have a laugh and joke on the way back.

So we got on the train and as soon as I stepped foot in the doorway I instantly felt something was wrong. I'm no Spiderman but everyone has felt the feeling when you know something is just wrong. Anyway, we sat down much to my protest in the middle seats of the train. I scouted around but couldn't see anything unusual so I just put it down to my mind playing tricks.

Keep in mind this is a train journey from one side of England to the other so we was going to be on for quite some time. I don't know how long it was until I noticed the man but I'd say it was around 30 minutes. When we got on the train I can quite clearly remember him sat in the left corner as you walk through the door so naturally none of us saw him till we sat down even though we'd just walked by him (hope that makes sense, he was basically at the side of the entrance). What I noticed is that he had moved multiple seats in front of his original position, the train section we was in was empty really just a handful of people. I wondered what he was doing but just let it go.

About 5 minutes later I saw him move again. This time I ignored my friends and locked my entire concentration on him. What I saw really annoyed me for some reason. His eyes were completely locked on a cute girl. I remembered having a brief conversation with her as I went to get some coffee for the journey back. She was the same age as me and my friends and lived a couple of towns away. She had also gone to watch the same football team but had fallen out with her friend so they decided to stay away from each other for the ride home. I thought this wasn't a very smart idea but I didn't want to push my opinions on her. Anyway, I continued to watch him and noticed him writing something down on some crappy notebook he had which looked like he'd pulled it out of the ground.

He was about 3 seats behind her when he stood up and sat in the seat facing her. She was reading a book and had earphones in so she didn't notice him till a few moments later. She looked up in shock and he began to talk to her. I instantly knew she was very uncomfortable with this guy near her. By this time my friends had noticed what I was doing and also felt that something was off.

I turned to my best friend and said "we've got to do something". He wasn't sure how we should go about this. I looked over again and now he was sat on the same side to her, leaning up against her. I had, had enough and stood up and walked over to them. I sat where the man had previously been and saw the girls face light up. I began to talk to her and ask her questions when the man stopped me mid sentence and asked me to leave them alone. I stood up (by the way im not very intimidating, I'm around 6'1 and average size build) and said to my new friend "do you want to come with me and meet some of my friends?" She accepted without hesitancy. I told the man to move and let her by which he obliged.

She sat with us for the remainder of the trip, I noticed the man was staring at me the entire trip with a look of pure anger and hatred. I shock it off and watched as the man walked out of the exit as we pulled up at a close stop to ours.

It was now our turn to exit the train and the girl thanked me and we exchanged numbers. I thought this was now all over and I was very happy with myself, however it was far from. Neither of our group could 'legally' drive a car so we aimed to get on the bus which would take us home. The feeling I had when I got on the train was still with me so I was always alert. It was now around 11pm now and it was really dark out. We stood a good 10 minutes at the bus stop before I noticed someone was watching us from behind a van. I acted as if I had never seen the person and just looked every few seconds. I began to make out the silhouette of a tall figure with no hair. It felt like I was looking right at slenderman, I knew this wasn't the case but it made me really unnerved. I then pointed the person out to my friends very slyly, they agreed that there was someone watching us. We thought of a plan, we would jump him/her and ask them what they was doing.

We began to talk increasingly louder making up some sh*t about us needing to go to the shop. We crossed the road to the van and the person didn't move. This really unsettled me, was I just overreacting? No...

As we turned to walk around the back of the van, the prick from earlier jumped out the back of the van holding a butchers knife! A f*cking butchers KNIFE!

We all just legged it into peoples' gardens hurdling over any fence in our way. Its safe to say after the 5th fence we had lost the psycho. We sat trying to catch our breath and go over wtf just happened. About 20 minutes later we got up and walked back onto the road. The two people had gone and the van with them. We got on the bus and left the area. It wasn't long before I noticed the van was back. I tried to alert my friends without them freaking out but it was no use, my best friend immediately contacted the police while I informed the bus driver. He carried on driving as my friend was reeling off what the operator was telling him.

The police soon came and escorted us home, however the van had long gone once the sirens could be heard. We eventually all got home safe, hopefully the van didn't see where we all lived but the police re assured us they would investigate.

I haven't heard anything since and don't expect too. I've since kept contact with the girl and we are really good friends now. She says everything was sorted out between her and her friend if anyone was wondering.

Thanks for reading and I will update if anything changes. I hope it doesn't cause I never want to meet this man again!

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