Pizza Hut Pedophile

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I would consider the place I grew up to be reasonably safe, however, just like nearly everywhere else, there was a "bad part of town." I was by no means horribly poor, but I had seven siblings and as we grew into our teenage years, we were old enough to go out and do things but sending us all to the mall or to see a movie just didn't quite fit the budget.

As a result, my siblings and I would often just walk around our town. It was rather old and everything in it seemed so fragile and beautiful and it fascinated me so much when I was younger that I always begged my brothers and sisters to take walks with me.

I was the youngest so my mom said I had to have one of the "big kids" with me because it wasn't safe. Eventually they got sick of seeing the same things over and over and one by one they stopped going with me. By the time I was fourteen, only two of my siblings remained at home. Only having to support three kids took a load ofF the budget, so my two siblings refused to walk with me more often in favor of doing things that cost money.

I begged my parents to let me walk by myself, claiming that I was old enough, and that I wouldn't go too far etc. They allowed me, so long as I stayed within a certain radius of our neighborhood. However at fourteen I was sure I was all grown up and decided to go further than my parents allowed. Though I didn't get tired of the same route I always took when I went on walks, I thought it would be fun to change things up. Of course since this is a lets not meet, that was a mistake.

I wandered around for a while admiring my little town. As this was in the early 2000's it was less common for kids to have phones, and I didn't. I was a little out of sorts having not been to that side of town much, but I had passed through it on my way to friends houses and such.

I wanted to leave myself rnough time to get home before dark so I decided to stop by a Pizza Hut that I had been to once or twice to see if someone had the time. As I walked towards the restaurant I got a sort of prickly feeling and thats when I started to realize I was on the wrong side of the tracks. I wasn't too concerned though. Our town was pretty clean cut and even the bad side of town wasn't that bad.

I popped into the Pizza Hut and the lady behind the counter happily told me the time. It was a quick exchange and I was out in seconds. It was late enough that I knew I had better head home, but early enough that I could dawdle and still be home easily before dark.

So I left the pizza shop, hearing the bell on the door jingle as it fell shut behind me, only to hear it jingle again as the door re opened. I was standing on the sidewalk waiting for a break in traffic so I could cross when the person who had left behind me stepped up to my side.

I thought nothing of it, figuring he just needed to cross as well. I glanced over at him, giving him a smile, just trying to be friendly. He, however, took this as an invite to strike up a conversation. "Hello" he said. I muttered a hi in response, right as there was a break in traffic.

I stepped into the street and so did the man. Again, my naive self just figured we were walking the same way. "You look just like my daughter." He said. By now, I thought he was a bit weird, but not threatening. He looked about my parents age and was dressed fairly nicely. Still, I didn't particularly want to talk to the man so I just replied "oh?" He smiled and said something along the lines of "you're very tall and pretty just like her." I nodded in response and just stared ahead as he was starting to give me the creeps.

Then he said something that sent me over the edge. "You also have beautiful long hair just like her." And with that, he reached out a large hand and sort of petted my hair. That's when I realized that this guy was bad news. I sped up a bit but he quickened his pace to match mine. Once again, I didn't respond. He kept making comments about my hair then about my face then about my body. They got more and more creepy each time.

I finally got to an area that looked more familiar and knew I was only about fifteen minutes from home. However, the man was still right next to me and his comments had gone from innocent ones about my similarities to his daughter to creepier ones like how my body had a "nice shape."

By now I was totally panicking but I thought that if I ran that he would grab me. I was just down the road from my home, my plan being to scream and run for the door last minute when he made the creepiest comment of all which I can still hear word for word in his voice as though it's drilled into my head. "I bet a sweet girl like you has a tasty little treat hiding in those panties of hers." With those sickening words I screamed bloody mary and ran like hell up my front porch steps and straight to my parents room.

By the time I got out what had happened and my dad had driven around the block to make sure the creep had left, my brother had called the police and they were on their way. I filed a report but never found the guy. I had nightmares for weeks and it wasn't till my third year of highschool that I was willing to walk further than a block away from my house alone. So creepy pizza hut pedo, lets not meet.

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