Just A Night Out

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This experience was sort of a horrifying one for me, I was about 16 or 17 when this story took place, I'm 26 now so it was around ten or so years ago. I'm a male and was roughly around 5'4 at the time, though I've significantly grown since then, not that it matters.

For many reasons, I won't name the town I was in when this took place, I had recently left school, still young waiting to experience life. It was around a month or two after I had left school that a couple of close friends and I decided to meet up, we were all sort of busy with our own things and my two best mates had gone abroad on holiday and I had to stay in our dead end town.

Coincidentally one of my friends cousins had recently came back from abroad and we were all invited to his party. We being the bored teenagers decided to go, what could go wrong? We knew each other and my mate explained his cousin was a decent guy to chill out with.

The trip was about 20 to 30 minutes long so we all jumped in the car reminiscing about the good times, one of my friends was older by two/three years, and I'm still in touch with this guy. It was around 12 - 2 AM and it was pitch dark.

Around ten minutes into the trip, my friend who was driving (Matt) informed us that he's out of gas and needs to fill up, so he pulled up at the station and went ahead. We were having a chat when my friend (Joe) made a horrified expression, not explaining or saying anything but just looking downwards, by then I had started to feel uncomfortable, so as I was about to ask him what's wrong, but before I could say anything he started to laugh nervously, no one said anything for two, three minutes and that was really strange of him but by then Matt was back so I brushed it off for a few minutes.

It got to a point where Joe looked disturbed so I asked him what was up? I'll make this easier to understand, so I was sitting in the back seat with Joe, the middle seat was empty and Matt was on Joe's side when he was filling up the gas, there wasn't anyone in the front seat.

Apparently, Joe noticed a man, kind of bulky but not big approaching my side of the car, he came really close quickly and before Joe could say anything he pulled something out of his pocket, he said it looked like a really long knife, and motioned him to "shh" he then got really close and pulled his tongue out and made it look like he was (licking?) my window and smiling before he scurried away.

About five minutes after filling up, we were all laughing about it, after a while I realized there was a car behind us, which was only odd to me because of the story Joe told us, it was night time and I got paranoid. "How long will it take?" I asked Matt. He didn't reply and then said "Do you see it?" I knew perfectly well what he was talking about so I nodded, Joe was startled and looked back, he then screamed that he could swear he was the same man, we then got pissed off and Joe leaned in to honk the horn, he then flipped him off as we were shouting swear words at him.

The driver then increased his speed and every few seconds honked his horn for about 5-6 seconds, he also tried ramming into our car but by then we had approached a little residential area and he has quietened down so tried to lose the driver. Matt said we weren't too far now and we'd be there soon, we couldn't see him after a while and we got to his cousins house.

We were parked about a one-two minute walk away from Matt's cousins house so we started walking, when I noticed that someone was behind us, I looked back and saw the guy, his was big, had a beard and had a blank expression, by the I said "Oh shit" and started running, my friends had also understood what was happening and they ran, we could hear heavy footsteps behind us.

We got to in front of the house, there were lights on and we ran in and explained to his cousin, we then went and check, armed this time. No one was there, just a single note attached to the windscreen, it read - "I've been watching you. :D - L".

That was the last we'd seen or heard of him thankfully yet, Joe never travels alone at night anymore even with people. I think when he saw the lights he got scared away though nothing this disturbing has ever happened to me since.

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