Jet's Birthday

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Kylie Jenner to be Kayla Martinez!!

But before her lips got swollen and she started looking like Kim. Right in the picture above, at that perfect angle she seems to be Cameron's (Lucy Hale) twin.

Sorry for the wait, but not only is the chapter long, it's also good.

I spend a lot of time thinking and planning for this one because it's freaking amazing.





I shake my brother, "Jet. Wake up, birthday boy." He mumbles something and turns over.

"Jet, if you want presents, wake up. Otherwise Derek is getting your stuff." I threaten, shaking him harder.

Kayla comes in baring a vanilla cupcake with a single candle. Penny follows with a train of the youngest Martinez boys, everyone bathed, brushed and ready.

"I let you sleep in cause it's your birthday but dude. We gotta go. I have plans." I rip the blankets off Jet and he shivered.

"Plans? Like what?" He opens one eye.

"Hmm." I tap my foot, "Shopping for new clothes tops the list. Then shoes. Probably a phone an-"

"A phone?" Jet exclaims. None of us ever had such a luxury because electronics were beyond our reach.

I nod, trying to keep from grinning, "Yeah. Brand new. I was going to let you pick your own. I already got internet here, so as a gift I was thinking of getting you a computer."

With that Jet leaps up and ran to the bathroom, a huge smile on his face.

Kayla sets the cupcake down and hits my shoulder gently, "For today, I won't question how you got so much money."

I snort, "You shouldn't any day. I told you, I'll take care of things."

"Just so you know, if it's something I won't like, I'm killing you." Kayla said. I keep my comment to myself; that if my twin, let alone anyone, find out what I'm doing, then she'd have to get in a long line to hurt me.

"You're really letting us miss school, Cam?" Penny asked from the back seat.

I look at her in the mirror, "It's a family holiday." I roughly rub my knuckles on Jet's head, "The lawyer's birthday is today."

"Ah, stop it." Jet smiles, smacking my hand off.

Kayla wraps an arm around Jet, "It's not everyday you turn sixteen, Jet. My little brother is growing up!"

I laugh and ignore the tears threatening to spill. Leon was so excited about Jet's birthday this month. He was planning to do something big. I'm sad that the oldest Martinez isn't here, celebrating with us. I have to hope that he's in a better place, watching his family with a smile.

I pull up at the mall and we get out of the truck. We go to JC Penny, standing at the entrance so we can wait until Gabriel shows up.

"What's he doing here?" Derek questions as Gabriel parts from the throng of people.

"I called him." I answer.

Gabriel grabs Jet in a headlock, "Happy birthday, fool."

Jet punched Gabriel's side, "Get off, bro."

When Gabriel released my sibling, I say, "Jet, you have no limit today, but Gabriel will follow you around. Kayla, Penny, limit of five hundred each. I'll take Derek, Patrick and Jamie."

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