Knowledge, Pain or Gift

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Melaine Iglesias is to be Maria Lopez, but I'm pretty sure I misspelled her name. Whatever, she is gorgeous and I love the idea of her being Maria.

Eeeeee, I'm so proud of this chappie! So close to the end and to February! Only two of maybe three chapters left, but don't quite me on that.





I gather the clothes I've chosen to wear today and hear Angel getting out of the shower. He enters the room with his chest bare and covered in a blue towel. I scowl at him.

"Oh, sorry. We all know how much you love my body, Martinez." Angel let the towel drop to the floor. I gasp and shield my eyes. You'd think having sex with him would make me comfortable with seeing his parts but I'm on the opposite side. While I do enjoy the personal time I am given with Angel, its still weird knowing what he looks like down there. I'm still learning but eventually I'll get the hang of it. When he left the room I couldn't help but stare at his butt.

I grab the shampoo only to find it empty. I sigh and step out of the steaming shower and wrap a towel tight around my naked form. I open the door slightly, "Montez!"

"What?" He hollered.

"I need shampoo!" I yell back. I hear his faint laughter and soon he's handing me a new bottle. I inspect the brand and reopen the door, "This is for horses," I state.

Without a warning, he pushed his way through the door and crossed his arms, "It works." Not bothering to explain further, Angel grabbed my hand and placed it on his head. So this was his secret to such heavenly hair.

"Really," I take the cap off and smell the delightful shampoo, reminds me of fresh banana's.

I shove him out and redo my shower. Once I'm fully dressed I admire my hair. Angel was right, that shampoo works miracle's. My hair is soft at the touch and falls in heavy waves. I sniff a strand and smile, feeling as if apart of Angel is now forever with me. Looks like I've found myself a new shampoo to wash my hair with.


I tumble and yell at Gabriel to tuck in his chin. For all his hulk, Gabriel has no balance, agility and elegance. He thinks brute strength is all it takes to win a fight. How little he expands his net in fighting. I quickly explained that you can't rely on a single thing to pull you through. He still can not comprehend that you're entire body can become a weapon. Though he can hit and take on any civilian, he still must learn to disarm a foe properly than just hitting them.

"No, no. Bend your knees. Stay on your toes, but light." I give him an example by switching my balance from the tip of my foot to the other. I move about the mat, and to be fancy I slip into a series of back flips. "Got it?"

He jokingly attempted a hand stand and had the perfect formation until gravity pulled him down. I roll my eyes and show him how its done. When I place my feet on the ground, I slide into a split. Gabriel choked and reached for his frontal area, grimacing while I almost died from heavy bounds of laughter.

We got back to business and he redid what I've been trying to teach him. I watch as he moves swiftly, having the grace of a gazelle but the fiecere stare of a lion. I threw a bouncy ball at his head. With a smooth motion, he slapped it out of his way and kept his stance. I clap, "Better."

This is my last night, but of what I can never tell. Tomorrow we attack that tall building my beloved brother was murdered in. Thinking of that place makes goose bumps rise on my arms, I can't stand knowing what I do. It would seem they're right because while knowledge is power it's also suicide. I'm braver than I think and I have the will to find Leon peace. I'm ready, I could never be more prepared for anything and because of that I try to enjoy these last few minutes I have; I could very well die tomorrow. Which wouldn't be the worst thing, my only wish is that I got the bastard who killed Leon first. It surprised me how excepting of death I was. Maybe Leon had given me power to never fear such a thing. Maybe I have no self regard like him. Or maybe I'm fascinated by death like everyone else.

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