Unexpected Twist

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Ty Panitz for Derek Martinez. His hair, smile and eyes are perfect for Derek!

Guys, a lot of things happen here, just so you know.





"That's thirty-one thousand, eight hundred and fifty dollars," I press the button on the ATM and the money is transferred into my account. I've got over four hundred thousand now and I feel it's time to move out of our shoe box. I want us in a safer environment and if Diane comes back I do not want her to find us. She made her choice and left, good for her but I also made a choice to never allow my adoptive siblings to see the heartless woman that abandoned them.

"For a single night if work that's not too bad." Angel scribbled down the number on a notepad. I don't question where he gets the money to donate to those in need, that is something I'd rather not know.

"Montez," I'd taken a moment to gather the courage to ask this next part, "I want to go after enforcers."

He ran his eyes over my face, "Why?"

"Not for their cash but their information. Leon's death has been kept too quiet, these minions won't know anything." I try to reason, "Enforcers have trust with the big boss and if anything they at least would've heard something."

"They're not all like me, Martinez. What makes you think they'll speak even if they do know something?" This is why Angel is where he is. He's insightful and will weigh his options while he acts, he truly is one of a kind; there will never be another Angel Montez. I think that's the reason he's held so high and respected.

"Remember the Ivy from a few weeks ago and even a few Wasps, Brothers and Sheep? Well, weird as this may be but I get the feeling they admire me. In their eyes I'm some bad ass chick taking a stand against the people they hate most. Can't say I blame them." I get mixed emotions when robbing these gangsters. Trembling with terror, smiles of adoration, slight rage, bouts of excitement. They all had a different reaction but they still knew me and what I'm doing. I had to have some credit there.

"Good points," Angel said, "Here's the deal, Theo, Luke and I will each take you on. Make at least two of us fall and I will show you the other enforcers."

I think about it. Am I confident enough to take on possibly the best the Chicago Kings have to offer? If I can make Leon land on his ass how hard could Luke and Theo be. Leon was Angel's right hand man, they had each others back and Angel trusting a person that much means a lot. So for me to have the ability to beat Angel's back up definitely provides fortitude in what I have to do. "Deal,"

As Angel drove to our rendezvous gas station I couldn't help being assaulted by his Desire cologne. I sneeze, "Either go light with the man perfume or find a new kind because it's sleazy."

He made a show of sniffing his shirt, "Smells like heaven to me."

"I'm sure heaven doesn't smell like man whore. The angels must be classy up there." This easy and light banter is what I enjoy most about time with Angel. For every one of my cynical remarks, he has another ready.

Then I start thinking about my earlier question. Could I like the man sitting next to me? I sneak a peek at him. Only now am I actually noticing how attractive he is. Truthfully, I've always known that I have just begun to acknowledge it. The strong line of his jaw, the five o'clock shadow there which is usually shaved. The darkened eyebrows that conceal his magnificent electric blue eyes which perceive even the smallest details. His nose, a little crooked from being punched too often yet still perfect. Then his alluring, pillowy lips, tempting even further with his voluptuous hair. I wouldn't be surprised if I were drooling.

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