Cat's Outta The Bag

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Been awhile since my last update, sorry!

I wrote this nice and long for y'all!

Harry Style to be Jet Martinez!




Five days.

Five freaking days and nothing.

I thought by now something would've happened. Like bullets raining down on us, me bleeding to death, or some dramatic scene. I've still been doing the same thing, taking money from gangsters. In that time I've taken plenty, so much that we were able to have a proper trick or treating experience. That was the only day I didn't go out, Halloween, I bought us costumes and spent the entire night with my siblings walking up and down sidewalks.

The only difference is Kayla who has become exceedingly paranoid and refuses to let me out of her sights. Though she doesn't sleep like the Martinez men, she wouldn't notice me crawling back under the covers at three in the morning.

These last five days I have earned well over ninety-five thousand dollars, which pleases me to no end. I love seeing that much in my bank account. When they asked how I got this money I said I sell fine art to rich people and was able to use Diane's maiden name. So on my credit card it says Cam Waldron. A horrible name but if Luke were to try and find bank statements about Cameron Martinez, he'd find nothing. They didn't really care about me changing my name, probably because of the cash I was putting into my account.

Besides my newly found wealth, I thought the gangsters would be more alert, prepared to face me. While they were ready, they all still listened to me. Answered that they had no idea about Leons death, knew who I was, and gave me all their money. Each Wasp, Poison Ivy, Pain Brother and Black Sheep. It unsettles me, deep in my core. Why? Why didn't they try to get me, try to rebel and bash my head? Someone must've told them not to, to leave me be.

Kayla's paranoia must be rubbing off on me because I think the Kings are after me. Though I have actual evidence they are. Gabriel doesn't reply to my texts, the Kings who usually watch us during school stay at a distance, only giving us a nod. I've even tried Angel and nothing.

There were people following us, well specifically, me. I noticed them right away. It was easy to ditch them but I tried not to. I had to give the Kings the impression that I have nothing to hide. That I'm not the one they should be chasing, even if I am. Clever, for them to realize it was me this fast. Maybe I should've asked Lorenzo to not say anything but I don't want him to have risked his neck.



I need to stop but I can't. Ninety-five thousand is enough for now but we'll always need more. If I can't stop with this much money, then what's the limit? When will I be satisfied that I've taken what I need?

Probably never.

I can't do this till one stands his ground and fights me. Maybe that's what I'm waiting for. Someone to knock me down then beat me for all I'm worth. But my will to survive overrides that aspect. I won't lay on my back and die, that goes against my genetic code and what Leon taught me.

I think, at this point, I just want to be done. I miss Leon with what's left of my shattered heart but I don't want to join him. I can't stay with my lively siblings because inside I'm partially dead. I don't want to die, I don't want to live. So that leaves me in this horrible gray area. My lungs breathe for Kayla, my mind thinks for Jet, I eat for Penny, Derek keeps my legs going, I talk because of Patrick and Jamie keeps me laughing. And my heart, the most valuable and sensitive part of me, belongs to Leon. You already know how that went.

Facing the KingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora