Chapter 4//

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After round 2, Lucious rests his head and shoulders on the headboard of the bed and pulls me that my head rests on his chest and I get lost in hearing his rapid heartbeats. We lay there in that position for a couple minutes until the heartbeats got regulated and he places a kiss on top of my head and says "Your body is a wonderland, I wish I could stay more than that but I have to get going to catch the meeting with the board of committees and I promise you that I'll find something for what we discussed earlier". I raise my head with a full heart and kiss him deeply, wanting to savor his taste for until I get to see him again tomorrow. He starts to get up and I hold on to him not wanting him to leave because I've hadn't had enough of him. He kisses me softly and heads towards the closet to grab a new shirt cause I stained his with lipstick.
I get up from the bed and grab the shirt he was wearing and button the last two, I move towards him and hug him from behind while he fondles with the buttons of his shirt, I shift and stand in front of him to help him with the shirt. I go to grab his tie from the couch and he follows and hugs me from behind pressing his still erect shaft on my behind and I lean into him while he kisses my shoulders. "I'll miss you every second you're not here with me Lucious" I say while doing his tie and he smiles saying "I'll be thinking of you in that sexy black lingerie baby". I shyly laugh and kiss him one more time before I accompany him to the door. The moment he's out of the apartment my heart starts stinging and the tears are back but this time like an open drain, I take the hem of the shirt and inhale his smell that seems to comfort that emptiness I was feeling. I take the bottle of Moscato that I had taken out earlier and start chugging from it, trying to numb the pain while I can.

a/n: Hey there! Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I'd always appreciate any sort of feedback or a hello message. Chapter 5 will be uploaded tomorrow. Love, Alexandra x

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