Chapter 20//

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Lucious's alarms goes off and I reach for his phone to shut it, we fell asleep in the living room on our massive super comfy couch. He is sleeping behind me and the alarm didn't even make him bulge, so I turn around and place small kisses on his face and that's when he starts opening his eyes. "Good morning love" I say and place a soft kiss on his lips and before I could retrieve my lips, he kisses me back "That has got to be my favourite kind of alarm". I don't want him to leave to work because I will be missing him and I will be stuck in here waiting for him to come back, I might finally require a job right now to help pass time, so I guess I'll be spending my day surfing away the internet in the hunt for an adequate job around the area. Sleep is still consuming him, Lucious places his arm over his eyes and I decide to make a fresh pot of coffee. After I get it done, I pour the delicious hot coffee into two mugs and make my way to living room, he's on his phone and he freezes for a second when he sees me, I wonder why? I brush it off, as soon as I hand him his coffee, he immediately hangs up the phone.

"I need to be in the office as soon as possible baby" he says and I simply nod giving him a gentle peck on the check.

"I'll get your suit ready, no worries. How about you hop in the shower until I get it done?" I reply back.

"Yeah I could use a shower right about now, got a massive day ahead of me".

He goes to shower and I get his things ready and placing them on the bed, he comes out from the shower, drippy with a towel wrapped around his waist. He walks to the bed and dresses up as fast as the Flash would. Why is he acting distant and weird right now? I take a moment to remind myself that he has a lot on his plate right now and understand that a million thing is probably crossing his mind, I am not the center of his world. I walk with him to the apartment door, kiss him goodbye and hop in the shower myself.

My shower was a quick one, I brush my wet hair, pull it into a bun and grab the first sweatpants and t-shirt I find on the shelf. I walk by my dresser to retrieve my phone, I check it and see that I have a couple google search notifications. I had enabled a search on Lucious where I would get updated with new published articles about him, pictures from galas, charity work and so on. I click on the first notification and the tittle of the article makes me sick to my stomach.

"Lucious Lyon, King of his Empire, can't keep it in his pants"

I can't focus on the article, I can't catch my breath, my body is shaking. I can't be having a panic attack right now, I take deep breaths, inhale exhale as the door instructed me to do whenever I felt this way. My head can't stop buzzing but I need to read that article, "Lucious Lyon has been branded many things but lately his wife Anika has revealed to us that above all that, he also is a cheater. The identity of the other woman was not cleared for us to reveal but we managed to get some bits and pieces of information on her. The other woman might not be as mentally stable as one might think, she has suffered chronic depression and worked around getting her hands on Lucious Lyon for years now." What the actual fûck? Where the hell does the media get their information from? I'm fumed with anger right now. Anika has gone way far of labeling me such horrors but what I can't understand is how did they get the information of my medical history? I thought doctor/patient confidentiality was a real thing. Yes I did suffer from depression but that was a long time ago, right after my mother was massacred.

Any person who has gone through what I did will probably suffer from depression. I was sixteen at the time when it happened hence a minor and was under the custody of the police until they could reach any member of my family to take care of me, I had refused to speak, eat or sleep so they decided take me to a psychologist who had diagnosed me with severe depression and had prescribed me a cocktails of pills. I had refused to take these pills because I didn't want to give in. They police reached my momma's brother Caleb and I was taken under his roof, he genuinely cared for me and home schooled me till I got my high school degree.

I reread the article and I am baffled by the fact that Anika thought I had plotted being with Lucious, I had moved to New York 18 months ago right after Caleb got married, I chose to not stay in Seattle because I no longer had to be a burden to my uncle and I was 24 ready to care for myself and finally start a brand new fresh start. I had been saving money since I was 18 for my move to New York. I met Lucious 7 months after my move and it was all pure coincidence, I had heard of him in the news, listened to his tracks but I never thought I would get with him as those were not my intentions at all. That's it, with that article my life was going to change, the media will be on the hunt for any piece of information they could get on me. I scroll down to the comments section of the article and what I read next immediately brings tears to my eyes, some really nasty comments were left, the one that shocked me the most said "What a total waste of life! The bitch he's screwing is only with him for his money, how can he not see that? I hope his mistress dies and burns in hell for the pain she has caused Anika. My heart goes out to Anika". I scroll and all the comments are basically just random people cursing at me labeling me with horrors. I close the tab and decide to not even bother reading the other article nor the comments, my heart is wrenched and I can't stop myself from crying. Lucious! I remember how weird he was acting today, did he know about the article and tried to hide them away from me?

My head is spinning and I immediately want to call him, Lucious answers after the second ring, he stays silent and I can't seem to form coherent sentences right now.


"Yes baby" his voice confirms that he's aware of the article.

"Did...did you read the article?" I sniffle and my voice is breaking.

"I never wanted you to read those"

"How can this happen?" I say and I break down in tears.

"It's all my fault, I did this to you. I am so sorry baby but I will get it fixed, don't you worry about it" he assures me and I don't want him to blame himself for whatever is written. He continues "I am gonna hold my own press conference and bring Anika down, I am fed up with her shit. If she wants to hurt someone, it should be me and not you"

"They know who I am Lucious, they'll dig around making relive the nightmare again. I can't go through that again, I can't."

"Trust me baby, nothing more than what has been published will surface again. I am going after the magazine and holding responsible whoever wrote that article. The press is gonna be heere in an hour and I need to counter attack".

"Okay, just be safe and careful what you say, you know how much the media loves twisting whatever you say" I remind him but I don't worry as I know how diplomatic he can be especially if there's press around.

"I love you, Lolita and I will do anything in my power to protect you and get you out of harms way."

"I know that and I love you even more." I say in-between sobs.

We hang up the phone and I cannot control my cries right now, I feel like a dagger has been plunged in my heart and guilt floods my every thought. I can't help but feel responsible for this, I also played an important role in his extramarital affair. It's like karma has finally come to slap me in the face. The press conference won't be televised and all I could do right now is wait for him to be done with it.

a/n: Hey! I want to sincerely apologise for not updating lately but life hasn't been the greatest to me. I promise to update on Saturday. Please let me what you think of this chapter and where you think this story is heading. Message if you ever want to chit chat. Love, Alexandra x

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