Chapter 21//

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Lucious point of view

I hang up the phone and my train of thoughts is on high speed, how do I salvage this situation? Anika called me out and clearing my name is unlikely in my favour, it would require a dozen fortune tellers and a hell lot of voodoo magic. But I can blame myself only, I put Lolita and I in this sticky situation. I stare at the draft sheet I had just written my speech on for the press but it just doesn't feel right, something is missing. I read and reread the draft until I figured that what's missing is soul, I can't be diplomatic in a situation that concerns Lolita. That would be unfair to her and unfair to what we both share together. I get up from my desk and pace around the room in an attempt to clear my head and manage to think straight.

Ten minutes later, Becky walks in and informs me that the press is here and I need to make an appearance right away. She and Clive are the only people that know of Lolita's existence, I remember the day I confessed to her about Lola and how her face had brightened not only because she hated Anika but because she sensed my happiness, I had left her Lolita's number just incase anything went wrong, I wanted Becky to be the one to inform her. I grab my speech sheet and we walk together to the press room, our walk is silent but right before I open the door to the press room, Becky grabs my arm, wishes me good luck with a haunted face and I just take her in an embrace, thanking her with that gesture for everything she has done for me and the support she shows me everyday. She lets go of me and I take a deep breath before finally opening the door and as soon as I do I get blinded with all the camera flashes. I go and sit on the large white table before me while the news reporters are pen in hand, I open up the buttons of my suit and start.

"I have gathered you today to indulge in a variety of topics, some concern the Empire and others not so much. My Empire was built from absolutely nothing but powder, I have put my sweat, tears and the occasional blood into transforming to what it's become today. This goes to show that whatever effects my Empire, effects me mentally and physically. Today I am proud to announce that Empire will offer the first music streaming service this continent has yet to see. A monthly subscription will be offered to allow emerging artists to find their place in the music industry. My son Hakeem's new album will be available exclusively on this platform.

So there's that and now let's really talk about why you really are here, today an article was published labelling me as a cheater. Unfortunately I would like to confirm that in fact that information is true, I personally never have spoken about my private life because well it's private. But that article has personally hurt someone I am proudly in love with. Anika only shared her part of the story and it would only be fair if you heard my side now. My wife and really soon to be ex-wife didn't share with you that she has cheated on me not only once but twice in our three years of marriage. But I was a fool to have forgiven her as she was unworthy of it and as horrible as it may sound, I never really cared if she was giving it to someone else because my feelings have died with Cookie.

I was revived though by a woman I met almost a year ago, I thank the heavens and stars for leading me to her. She saved and loved me the way Beethoven loved the black keys, she saw my flaws and loved them the way I never could. Contrary to what that article said, she doesn't see me as a walking bank but she sees the better person in me. She makes me want to be good and do good, she makes me want to wake up in the morning and conquer the world and mostly she makes me want to love her the way nobody did before. Yes what I did was wrong but how can the wrong feel so right? And now I am ready to fight for us even if that means me going through a rough divorce with Anika. We were both miserable in our marriage and the best thing would be to at least end it peacefully with the consent of both parties. I would like to end this by apologising to anyone I've hurt or did done wrong, Anika I truly hope you find your peace and serenity, I wish you nothing but the best. Thank you and God bless you."

Becky takes the floor and informs the reporters that I will no longer comment on the matter and if they requested any more information regarding the streaming service, they should contact her to request an interview from me.

I sigh in relief after that long speech, I had completely drifted from the draft I had written and said whatever I really wanted to say. I pray that I gave Lolita the justice she deserves and I truly hope that would be a waking call for Anika. She's done so much damage since the day I met her and I'll be damned if I wasn't glad that I am finally getting it over with.

I have finally made peace with myself. Now that they know about Lolita, I have no other care in the world and I am extremely eager to have my sons meet her at last. I know that they would love her and I know that Jamal would immediately click with her. I catch myself smiling with that thought and I immediately want to go see her, kiss her and let her know that I took care of everything and that she shouldn't be concerned about anything other than the long, hard and steamy love making sessions I have planned for her.

Lolita point of view

As I sit resisting the urge to bite all nails off, my phone starts digging. I run to grab it and see that someone had sent my 3 videos, I don't care who has sent them to me because they're videos of the press conference Lucious is holding at the moment. With a racing heart and sweaty palms, I click the play button "But that article has personally hurt someone I am proudly in love with", Lucious what are you saying, my heart is beating faster than a race car in a open field. I can't believe that he has confessing in front of a dozen news reporters. I finish the videos and I feel like I am high from his beautiful words and fuzzy from his love. My heart is full and the shitty feeling I was experiencing earlier has vanished, only Lucious could make me feel like that. Anika's plan to expose us has turned in our faviour.

I am curious to know who sent me the videos, so I decide to text them asking them who they were. A minute after I hit send, my phone dings and it displays "It's Becky, you're welcome ;)". Oh Becky you so sneaky, Lucious has told me about her before and I can't wait her to meet her and give her the hug she deserves.

I text her back

Lolita: Becky, you don't know how much I love you right now. Could you please do me a favour and send me Anika's number? Lolita x

Becky: Did you mean the viper with 13 heads? Haha there you go

I insert the viper with 13 heads number in a new text message, I attach the videos and type:

Looks like your plan backfired, Kitty.

a/n: Hey beautiful readers! Here's the new update as promised. Hope you like it and please let me know what you think. As always, much love, Alexandra x 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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