Chapter 17//

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My legs can't regain their strength to make me move from my spot so I just slide down from the wall bringing my legs to my chest hugging them. A thousand scenarios run across my mind, what if he decides to leave me and stay with her, what do I do? I have no job therefor zero income, I have no home expect for the one Lucious is providing me with and I absolutely have no one to turn to expect for him. He's become my whole world, he consumed me in the greatest way possible. Before him my life was a mess, I bounced from ridiculous jobs just to be able to pay my bills, I lived in a shack in an unstable part of New York where guns and drugs controlled the area but it was the only thing I could've afford and now Lucious has me living in a gorgeous apartment with a killer view of Central Park where I could spend days gazing over from the balcony. I look around the apartment which is giving cold unwanted vibes, the place I called home wasn't feeling like it right now. I put my hands together and pray to all the Gods to bring me that man back, to keep him safe from all evil and I pray for my stability. I try to be positive and think of what I would do if he doesn't come back to me, I'll search for jobs, an apartment and I'll find myself a hobby maybe even get me a pet, I don't see myself ever dating again or ever being with a man other than Lucious because no one has ever made me feel alive more than he has and because no kiss would make me feel the way he does and no other embrace will give me the warmth I crave. Emptiness fils me at the thought of no longer being able to be with Lucious. I finally find the strength to get up and when I do I no longer know what to do with myself, I grab my phone to check if he texted me and I sigh when I see nothing, I debate texting him but I promised him that I'd wait and I begin to stare at my phone forever waiting to hear anything from him...

6 hours later.

My phone finally vibrates and I wake finding my phone in my hand, I don't even remember how I fell asleep or when but I am glad that I did manage to get some sleep with nothing haunting which is surprising considering the circumstances I'm living in right now.

I check my phone and see a text from Lucious, "Everything is under control. Don't know when I will be able to see you but I'll try my best". I read his text and a mix of emotions floods me, everything is under control? What does that even mean? Dear God he needs to stop with his codes and he'll try to see me? I don't know what to make out of his message and I feel frustrated but I can't be angry at him right now because the both of us put ourselves in a shitty situation.

I reply back "That's good to hear, I'll be waiting. Please be safe" that was hard to send but he needed my support and I wanted to give him comfort. And so I spent the rest of the evening staring blankly at the tv waiting for him.

The following day.

I get up from the bed around ‪8am‬ because I decided its no longer worth trying to catch some sleep as I spent the whole night tossing and turning hoping to fall asleep and block my thoughts but that wasn't successful at all. I decide to shower to pass some time till I finally hear anything from Lucious, the waiting is driving me insane! I get out from the shower, dry my hair and out on a pair of leggings and grab one of Lucious black t-shirt that's covered with his beautiful musky scent that fills my nostrils. I make myself some coffee when suddenly the apartment is filled with a thudding sound, someone is about to break the door and I freeze in my place.
"Open that goddamn door before I break it you bitch" I hear Anika yelling from the other side of the wall.
What the hell?? What is she doing here? I debate whether I should open the door or not, I thought Lucious had it under control why would she be here?
"Open the door NOW!!!" I hear her again screaming at the top of her lungs.
I'm fed up with her and her nasty attitude and I go towards the door to open it. When I do, I see her in a beautiful cream coat that doesn't match her personality at all. She walks into the apartment like she owns the place, she looks around and finally turns to look at me.
"Look darling I'm here to make things easy for you" she snorts, hold up, she's calling me darling now? Wasn't I a bitch a couple of seconds ago?
"Make my life easy? Me? How can you make my life easy Anika?" I say back wondering what she's up to now.
"I know your after my husband for his money, so I'm gonna spare you your lies and obviously fake love for him and give you exactly what you want. Isn't that ideal?" she must be kidding me right now. "Say a number and it's yours but under one tiny condition" she finishes of her sentence and I decide to play along. "Which is?" I say back knowing exactly her condition.
"To back off from my husband once and for all otherwise you'll live a hell you never knew existed" she replies and I try to hold my laughter in.
She retrieves her cheque book from her Prada purse and writes down a number and signs it before throwing the check to the floor and she looks at me saying "All yours. Now retrieve that cheque and get out from this apartment right away" I look at her baffled not believing what's coming out of her mouth and to how she disrespect a person that way. "No" I say bluntly. "What no? You will get the hell out of this apartment whether you like it or not" she spits back.
I simply smile and say "Listen Anika I think you should stop wasting your chequebook papers and especially stop waisting your precious time because the only way I'm leaving is if Lucious asks me to and by the looks of it he's not her so I'm not leaving. I suggest you gather your things and leave this apartment before he makes it here because I'm positive he won't like this at all". Woow that speech took my breath away and she looks at me as if I just punched her straight in the face.
"I will make your life a living hell, trust me you piece of shit" she says and just like that she leaves the apartment. I'm filled with an adrenaline shock and my whole body is shaking, that was way easier than anticipated. I immediately grab my phone to call Lucious.

a/n: Hello beautiful readers! Hope you liked this chapter. I'm gonna be overwhelmed with exams next week and I won't be able to update until then, sorry :( Love, Alexandra x

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