Chapter 18//

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Lucious POV

I spent the morning at the office with my lawyer processing the divorce documents and figuring out the next steps to be taken. The prenup says that I have to give Anika 10% of Empire and 10 million dollars, giving her the money isn't an issue, what's really bothering me is those 10% of my Empire. There is no way in hell I'm gonna let her have that much control especially not over something I've put my all into. My lawyer will go over the papers to figure out the percentage issue and file for divorce as soon as things are settled. What was I thinking marrying her? I was delusional enough to think that I actually loved her and that she was gonna fill the void my heart was missing but she made it even worse. All my mind can think of right now is Lolita and only Lolita, why didn't I meet her before all of this happened? My life right now would've been totally different if she was the one with the ring around her finger.
My phone rings and Lolita's name is displayed across the screen and worry floods me, she wouldn't call unless something was up and I immediately answer the phone after the first ring.
"Lolita baby, how are you?" I say missing her voice and how it soothes me.
"Lucious I'm sorry to be calling you right now but I didn't know what else do" she says and my heart stops for a second.
"What's going on? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I blurt out. The way she's talking isn't like her at all and I get on my feet ready to do anything for her.
"Babe don't worry I'm alright but Anika just left the apartment furious with me. She offered me money in exchange of leaving you and she tried to kick me out of the apartment. I didn't take the cheque Lucious. I would never do that" she tells me her voice hoarse, I knew Anika was not done messing with me but her going to Lolita was low. I hate that Lolita has to reassure me that she didn't take the money, of course she wouldn't and I know how much Anika showing up would insult and hurt because contrary to popular belief, she's not in it for the money.
"I'm so sorry baby about that. I know how you must've felt. Trust my baby that nothing like that will ever happen to you and from now on I'll be dealing with Anika my way. I'll gather some documents from my office and make my way to you. I've missed you so damn much". I say while suppressing my anger, Anika has yet to see the other side of me and she'll regret everything she's ever done.
"Okay Lucious I'll be waiting for you, I love you" she says and my heart is filled with the void that's taken over my life. She's the one who makes my heart beat and she's the one who makes me wanna conquer the world.
We hang up the phone and I take the documents that need to be signed so I can study them later at the apartment.


I reach the apartment and I'm extremely eager to have Lolita in my arms again, these two days felt like hell without her. I open the apartment door and she immediately stands up from the couch wearing an irresistible white laced babydoll. She's going to be the death of me. She rushes to me and I stand still in place just mesmerizing her grace, she's finally standing in front of me and I put my hands on her face lifting her head so I can kiss her, inhale her and feel the things she makes me feel. Our mouths crash in a beautiful sway and our tongues are begging for mercy. She kisses me passionately, her arms around my shoulders and her chest pressed against mine that I can sense her rapid heartbeats. I break the kiss resting my forehead on hers and I begin to say "Lolita I'm sorry for any grief I brought your way, that absolutely wasn't my intention at all. You think I salvaged you when in contrary, you saved me, you made me realize what love really is and you made me love again. Losing Cookie was the hardest thing I had to go through in my life and I thought she was the only person I could ever love. I loved her with every fiber of my being. You also made me realize that I married Anika for all the wrong reasons. You walked in my life and made me live it, I thought I could never love again but I am madly crazy inlove with you". I blurt out everything I wanted her to know and understand, I find her sobbing between my arms and she presses her lips on my mine again, this time kissing me hard that my lips are getting bruised but I don't care as long as it's her I'm kissing right now. She breaks the kiss and looks at me saying in between sobs "Baby, words are not deep enough for me to tell you how much I love you. You did save me and you did make me see colors again. You walked into my life, breathed life into me again and for that I owe my life to you. I love you so much Lucious. I do, I truly do". Her words are music to my ears and her voice is my favorite song. I kiss her again, lift her while she wraps her legs around my torso and we make our way to the bedroom.

a/n: My fellow readers, thank you for being patient with me. Sorry I have been mia but I was going through a lot. I'm back now and I hope you enjoy this chapter, let me know what you think! With love, Alexandra x

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