Chapter 37 : A Party? Not My Cup Of Tea

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Song of the chapter : Here - Alessia Cara.

Chapter dedicated to christeahlovesyou. Give my fellow Indian friend a follow and I hope you enjoy this chapter! I worked really hard on it!

Chapter 37 : A Party? Not My Cup Of Tea

It seemed like we'd hardly started walking until the sound of loud music and noisy chattering floated through the night air. Past a few tall trees beside a small brown cabin people spilled out across the path, marking where the party was taking place.

"I think we're here," I observed.

"You think?" Olivia questioned jokingly as she nudged me playfully in the ribs.

Her eyes twinkled brightly as she took in the crowded scene in front of us. We hadn't even made it a far distance inside the bass filled place before a random guy engulfed Olivia's figure into a tight hug.

She hugged him in return saying something I didn't quite catch before pulling the guy to me by the elbow.

The lean, tall guy had a mop of blonde hair with a pair of striking honey colored eyes. They were warm looking and immediately offered a sense of friendliness and also playfulness.

He was dressed in a black muscle shirt that displayed his sun - kissed tan skin, skinny jeans and dark boots. He looked good.

"Carrie meet Ashton, Ashton this is a girl I just met. She's cool," The blonde girl introduced enthusiastically.

I blushed at her words and my face grew hotter at the feeling of Ashton's warm hands onto mine.

He shook my hand with a broad smile, his eyes shining, crinkles appearing at the corners and amusement displayed. "Nice to meet you."

I nodded, "Nice to meet you too."

"I'll be back with drinks!" Olivia yelled over the music.

I opened my mouth to respond but it wasn't as loud as the pounding speakers so unwillingly, I snapped it shut.

I nodded my head at her retreating figure forcing a smile upon my face as she got lost in the mass of drunk, dancing bodies.

I glanced over back at Ashton who was scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

I cleared my throat as I dwindled with my fingers, my eyes scanning my surroundings refusing to meet his gaze.

"Such an Olivia move to leave us alone like that after just meeting," He commented gesturing that I get out of the walk way as a red head girl knocked into me making me almost topple over.

I shrugged. "I met her a few hours ago, there's still so much to know."

He smirked at me and he seemed so much more attractive.

I deemed him attractive as soon as I saw him and I took an instant liking to his Australian accent.

It made him even cuter.

Don't get me wrong, he was good looking and also seemed genuine but at the moment my aching heart allowed only for me to view him as a possible friend.

I most certainly didn't need another repeat of a what happened with Luke and I.

"So where are you from?" He asked as his eyes met my green ones.

"California," I replied a bit curtly.

His eyes widened a bit. "Oh really? That's where Olivia and her family's from. Small world huh?"

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