(1) More than One

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More than One 

The Forgotten Cullen does not follow the storyline of Twilight or The Vampire Diaries. This story is set after Breaking Dawn Part II and after Silas takes the cure. Note that I don't own any of the characters except the ones that you might not know.

No I did not copy from anyone so don't bother reporting me for that.

This is the edited version.


Third Person

Edward's eyes were playing tricks on him. The moment he cut open Bella's womb, not only was Bella was pregnant with one baby like they expected. No, she was pregnant with twins. Two beautiful twins, the first with eyes of light leaves and the other with the eyes of chocolate brown.

He didn't know who to hand over, the one who resembled him when he was human or the one who clearly took after her mother. Fortunately, he didn't have to choose as Alice came in to check on the two babies.

"Edward?" she asked as she spotted the light green and chocolate brown eyes. "There are two of them?"

Edward nodded and gave her a lopsided smile. "Would you mind holding the one on the left? I'll hold the one on the right."

Alice nodded and took the light green eyed baby. She cleaned her of the blood just like Edward did to Renesmee. After they were clean, Edward handed Bella the chocolate eyed baby.

"Renesmee," Bella breathed out as she looked at the face of her new daughter. "Beautiful."

"There is another one too," Edward says as he took the light green eyed baby from Alice. Alice took Renesmee from Bella before she could bite her. Edward handed her over to Bella who seemed to gleam.

"This is wonderful. I have two beautiful twins," Bella smiles.

"What are we going to name her?" Edward asked as he looked at the mother and daughter.

Bella took a deep breath as she mulled it in her head.

"How about we name her Arabella? Arabella Rosalice Cullen," Bella says smiling over to Alice and Rosalie, the latter having just come into the room. Rosalie practically beamed and Alice squealed in delight. As Edward said Arabella's full name, Arabella managed to bite Bella.

Rosalie took Arabella from her mother while Edward started to try to save Bella. Jacob, who saw what had happened, blamed all of that on the baby who bit Bella. But couldn't help but blame Renesmee too. Renesmee was the one who managed to break all Bella's bones while Arabella, although grew first, stayed on the sidelines and just drink blood.

He was devastated. The girl that he imprinted on was dead. As Bella stopped breathing, Jacob went outside and to the foyer where he planned on killing the ones who killed his precious Bella. He went for Renesmee first since she looked so much like Bella. But instead when they locked eyes, brown with brown, he felt something like they were connected. He fell to his knees as he realized that he imprinted on the baby girl.

Alice suddenly came in the room holding the other the baby, the one who bit Bella. Jacob growled at her making the baby open her eyes and coo at him. Jacob couldn't help but smile as the baby giggled at him. Renesmee, unknown to everyone, glared at her older sister.

Edward walked in and Renesmee stopped her glaring. She batted her eyelashes at Rosalie who cooed at her. Edward smiled at them before looking at Alice and Arabella who were both giggling at each other. He strained his ears to listen to Alice's thoughts.

Oh, my new niece is so adorable! I can't wait to dress her up in dresses. She'll be as beautiful as her Auntie Alice.

Edward chuckled at that before he tried to listen to Arabella's thoughts. His eyebrows furrowed together as he realized that he couldn't read her thoughts.

Must be a shield just like her mother, he thought to himself. He walked over to Arabella and started to hold her and rock her back and forth. Renesmee, jealous of all the attention Arabella was getting cried making Arabella cry too. Edward handed the fussy Arabella to Alice while he went over to hold Renesmee. He looked at Jacob questioningly, wondering silently why he was staring at Renesmee like that. He paid no mind to that before he started to comfort the crying baby girl. 

As Renesmee was about to fall asleep, Edward hears the growls of the wolves outside. Alice went off the put Arabella in her little crib inside Alice's room.

"Alice, Jasper!" Edward yells as he kisses Renesmee on the forehead before whispering that she'll be alright. He hands her over to Rosalie before rushing outside with Alice and Jasper to meet the wolves. The wolves came out of the trees as Edward, Jasper, and Alice stared at them.

"We're out numbered," Jasper says.

"By a lot," Alice adds.

"I won't let them hurt my family," Edward answers firmly. The wolves came closer and snarled at them. Edward stared defiantly at them before the wolves attacked. The three vampires advanced too. The fight had started and Jasper threw one of them to a tree.

The leader of the wolves snapped its teeth at Edward. Edward tried to get up but the wolves just snarled. As Edward faced his fate a blur attacked the black wolf. Esme and Carlisle tumbled to the ground and stood up as the wolf quickly recovered. Emmett soon joined the fight, punching a wolf in the face making it wine in response.

Seth and Leah came in their wolf forms just in time to see Alice struggling with a wolf. Leah growled before rushing to help the vampire while Seth stayed to the side. As they continue to fight the vampires seem to be losing. The wolves recovered quickly and continued to advance.

Suddenly, Jacob ran out from the house and jumped in between the wolves and vampires. His face looked impassive and he seemed a little pissed and sad.

"Stop!" he said. "It's over."

A wolf advanced but he sidestepped it.

"If you kill her, you kill me," he said.

A wolf advanced on him and flipped him up. He changed into his wolf form in midair before land on his paws. Sam and Jacob seemed to have a conversation, to which Edward translated.

"Jacob imprinted," Edward says a shock look on his face. The rest was followed by Emmett's 'Wat da fuq?' face.

The wolves growled again to which Edward translated to.

"They can't hurt her," he says, her referring to Renesmee. "Whoever a wolf imprints on, can't be harmed."

Sam growled again.

"It's their most absolute law," Edward explains.

Sam's paw moved back a little before he completely turned around and retreated. His pack followed him and they disappeared into the trees.


Well then. This was longer than the old one. I know I said that it won't be following BD's storyline but this will only be for a few chapters. This will also not follow TVD's storyline.

Hope you guys liked this one!




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