(2) Are you my Mommy?

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(2) Are You My Mommy? 

This chapter is edited. 


The babies have grown a little ever since they were born 2 days ago. Arabella had grown to look like a toddler while Renesmee looked like an 8 months old baby. After the twins were introduced to the family everyone mainly favored Renesmee. Renesmee looked more like Bella and they tried to use her as a substitute for the dead, soon to be resurrected, woman. They spoiled her nonstop and left Arabella in the shadows. 

While her younger sister was getting pampered, Arabella went through a lot of testing. Carlisle wanted to know why Arabella was growing in a quicker pace than Renesmee and why Arabella does not have the main characteristics of a Cold One. Hours before Bella woke up; Arabella was feeling a bit peckish and tired. While all she wants is to be fed and sleep, her Aunt Alice had other plans for her. Right now, Arabella was resisting bath time. 

"Come on, Arabella!" Alice whined. "Do this for Auntie Alice. The sooner we do this, the sooner you can get blood and hamburgers." 

"Teh~" Arabella giggled and tilted her head to the side. Alice squealed at the display of cuteness before getting Arabella undressed and bathe. 


After the bath time, Alice dressed Arabella in pink clothing. The baby wasn't happy about it; she prefers blue and purple more. They headed downstairs as promised and passed by the family as they played with Renesmee. The others paid no notice as they passed by; except Esme, Emmett, and Jasper. 

The three followed the baby and the aunt to the kitchen where Alice set Arabella in her high chair and proceeded to get her lunch ready. Esme helped Alice get the hamburgers - which they have in case Arabella has a craving for burgers. As the girls prepared the food, the guys played with the baby. Arabella sat on her high chair watching as her uncles - Emmett - made silly faces at her.  

After a while, Arabella got bored and looked the other way making Emmett pout. Alice had left the hamburger to cool down on the kitchen counter. She looked at the others for help but found that they were busy as Emmett was getting scolded by Jasper on how to show silly faces and Esme was helping Alice do the dishes. She tried to call out for the adults but the words came out in mumbles. Frustrated, she slammed her hand on the table.  

Everybody, that pays attention to her, knows that Arabella doesn't cry when frustrated -unlike the other babies in her age. Instead she tries to find a solution to the root of that frustration. So while staring at the hamburger plate on the table with a squint in her eyes and willed the plate to move. 

Surprisingly, it did. The plate began to slowly move toward Arabella who was still training her eyes at the moving plate. She hadn't noticed that the plate was slowly moving towards her. Alice turned around to give the burger to Arabella when she saw the moving plate pass by her. 

Alice gasped and tried to grab the plate only to be stopped by an invisible barrier. Her gasped attracted the others and they watched as the plate floated over to Arabella -eventually stopping in front of her. She reached her hand for the burger but Alice grabbed the plate. 

"Ne!" the toddler said in her way of saying no. Arabella raised her hand in protest and the plate zoomed from Alice's hands and again in front of her. The others watched the exchange as Alice looked at Arabella who held the burger in her hands. 

Luckily, Carlisle came into the room before Alice could do anything else to the hamburger. At first, he confused as to why everyone had that tense/awed look on their face -though he paid no mind to it.  

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