(35) "My Welcome Back"

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Ara's P.O.V

"Elijah's asking if you're okay," Rebekah said walking into my temporary hospital room in New York. I rolled my eyes before nodding.

"Tell him I'm okay. The wound is healing. Slowly healing. But healing," I say to Rebekah before turning to the T.V. I squinted my eyes before the channel changed to cartoon network. Rebekah looked at the T.V where the Amazing World of Gumball was showing.

"What?" I asked her innocently. "It's not lik-"

I gasped as another headache pierced my head. The image of Amelia getting shot flashed through my mind again. I groaned and hissed in pain as the bullet wound started to hurt again.

"Ella!" I heard Rebekah exclaim. "It's bleeding again."

I kept my eyes closed as I felt Rebekah take out the bandages and look at my wound. I opened my eyes when I felt her put new bandages and replace the old ones. Rebekah's eyes were filled with worry and disgust when she threw the old ones away.

"I'm serious Ella. Your flashbacks are getting worse. Are you sure you can't tell us about what happened when you passed out?" Jenna says walking inside my room. I sat up slowly and looked at my two best friends.

"You really want to know?" I asked them.

"Yes," they both nodded. I lie back down on the bed as I transfered the happenings in their heads.

After it was done the both of them turned to me before enveloping me in a hug. I didn't hug back just looking at the T.V.

"So do you have any idea who this Amelia person is?" Jenna asked. She seemed nervous as if hiding something.

"No I-" again those stupid headaches came back. An image of Alexander crouching and crying over a dead Amelia flashed through my mind.

I shivered as a gun shot was heard.

"Are you okay?" I looked up to see the worried eyes of Jenna and Rebekah.

"Y-y-yeah," I say shakily.

"Are you sure?" Rebekah pressed on. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Yes dude," I say resuming my old behavior. "Can we go home now? I am really homesick."

Rebekah looked hesistant before nodding. "I guess I can compell the doctors."

I smiled at her, "Awesome."


We were walking up the steps of my cottage. Jenna was holding onto my side so tightly that I felt like I was going to pass out any minute.

"Jenn?" I choked out. 

"Yesh?" she answered smiling at me innocently.

"I'm still injured here," I say glaring at her.

"Oh right," she says, losing her grip on my making me fall.

I groaned when I hit the ground.

"What the fuck Jenna?" I asked her standing up. I saw her smirk a little before her eyes turned into a vivid green. Her hair became shorter, into a messy, brown quiff. Her stance became more bulky and manly before she was a complete guy.

"You really should check who you're dragging along Arabella," the man says. I backed away. Rebekah was inside for some reason.

"How do you know my name?" I told him cautiously.

He chuckled before shaking his head, he smiled at me in a creepy pedophilish way. "That doesn't matter now does it?"

"It does to me," I snapped. My eyes widened when I suddenly dropped to the ground, holding my head.

He crouched down at me making me groan in pain. My bullet wound seemed to throb and hurt a lot more now.

"What do you want with me?" I panted.

"Such a waste of pretty face. Too bad Father wants you dead," he says smiling at me before putting his hands on either side of my neck.

"This will be just a p-," he didn't finish that because a blur got in front of me and snapped his neck. I looked up to see Jenna, with tattered clothes and a pissed off look.

"Don't fucking kidnap me," Jenna says delivering a kick to his side.

Jenna rushed to me and helped me up the same time the door burst open revealing a worried looking Edward and Elijah.

"What the hell happened here?!" Rebekah exclaimed. I groaned as an image of Amelia smiling at Alexander and the gun shot appeared. I dropped to my knees as the pain from my hand spread through out my body.

I watched as Elijah blured to me and fussed over me. Another image of the people wipping Alexander flashed through my mind. 

Another of the people burning Amelia's castle burned down.

Another of how Alexander carried a baby outside.

Another of how the baby was playing in a field of flowers.

Another of the baby turning around and staring at me before I fully passed out.

Third Person P.O.V

Renesmee smirked as she saw her sister pass out. Her hand that was hidden behind her back stopped curling before it rested on her side. She looked around before curling it again making Ella or Ara let out a heart wrenching scream.

She stopped for a second letting her eyes go soft. She almost reached out to her but was stopped by a voice.

Stop it what are you doing?! the voice hissed.

'My sister,' Renesmee thought.

Forget about her. Remember the plan. Let her take over your body the voice whispered in it's raspy voice.

Renesmee hesitated before a glassy look came over her face.

'Yes my lord,' she thought back in a different voice.

She curled her fingers again making Ella scream in pain and twitch. Renesmee smiled sadistacally before she looked around. She saw Jonathan's body on the ground before she waved her hand and it disappeared in a glow but no one seems to notice.

She lifted her head out and blinked, making her disappear too.

Ella seems to pass out alot this early chapters huh?

Who do you guys think her is? Why does she need Nessie's body?

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