(38) Renesmee?!

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Renesmee tiptoed slowly down the hallway of her sister's house. Her family was out hunting right now and Arabella's adopted family were sleeping soundly in the guest rooms. She only had two so some had to go back to the Mikaelson Mansion. Fortunately, she could get in easily without getting caught.

"Are we there yet?" an irritated voice came from behind her. She groaned as she turned around her black robe swirling with her.

"Can you be any louder Jonathan?!" Renesmee hispered (Hispered: Hissed in a low voice).

"You do know that, that's not a real word right?" Jonathan said bluntly pale green eyes staring at Renesmee's chocolate brown ones. Renesmee rolled her eyes and put her cloak down.

"Look." she starts putting a hand down. "You really need to be quiet. People could wake up any minute now and Father will not want us to blow our cover."

Jonathan rolled his eyes at her. "I get it dude."


Renesmee put her hood up and continued to stalk to her sister's room. Jonathan followed her.

"So what was the plan again?" he asked strolling casually. He stepped on a loose floorboard making it creek. A gust of wind blue as Renesmee pinned him against the wall not even making a single sound.

"Can you please not make any sound?!" Renesmee hispered. Her eyes started to turn red as she glared daggers at Jonathan. Jonathan shivered as he realized that Demon Renesmee was coming out.

"I'm sorry Aurelia," he whimpered trying to get off the clutches of his Father's sister.

She let go of him as he dropped onto the floor.

"I swear vampires are so irritating these days," Renesmee says in a sudden deep voice. She looked down at Jonathan who was bowing to her.

"Good boy. Now let's hurry. I don't know how much this girl can be controlled. I usually let the mind control to my brother," Renesmee says before her red eyes turned brown again.

Renesmee groaned as a headache pounded her head. Jonathan stood up and started to smooth out his clothes.

"Are you ready now?" Renesmee ask unaware that she was just possessed a second ago. Jonathan nodded shakily before he straightened up.

"Let's go," he said trying to keep the fear off his voice. Normally he wasn't scared of Renesmee but since Aurelia already made an appearance he decided to go with it. Renesmee raised an eyebrow but decided against asking him what happened.

Renesmee cleared her throat, "Anyways on your question. The plan was to sneak into Ara's room, find anything useful, and report back to father."

Jonathan nodded stiffly before slowly stalking to Arabella's room. They finally got to a blue door with the words 'Don't Enter Unless Part of Host Club'.

"You never told me your sister like anime!" Jonathan whispered looking at the pictures of various animes on the door. Renesmee rolled her eyes as she pulled him back.

"You never asked," she said in a monotone voice before she stood back.

"Back off," she told him. He obeyed and stared as she twisted her hand. The door creaked open. Renesmee cringed before twisting her hand more gently. The door was fully open now. 

They saw a sleeping Arabella inside. The covers were on the floor and it showed clear of her only wearing a sports bra and shorts. Her blond hair were strewn all over the pillow and her arms were occupying the bed. She turned and mumbled something along the lines of 'Pasta'.

"Damn," Jonathan mumbled. "And I thought I was a messy sleeper."

Renesmee ignored him as she stalked over to her bookshelf. 

"I think some of the books here contain some of her written experience. We should probably start looking," Renesmee whispers looking at the books.

"Yes ma'am," Jonathan said saluting her. Renesmee ignored him as she was already in her tenth book.

After 15 minutes of looking Jonathan jumped up.

"I found one!" he exclaimed. Renesmee stared at him wide eyed while he slammed a hand on his mouth. They looked to where Arabella turned to her side and opened her eyes.

"Who's there?" she questiong groggily.

Arabella had a hard time adjusting to the dark but when she did she saw two figures. She sat up alarmed and noticed all her books were on the floor.

"What the heck?!" she exclaims. She flicked her hand making the light turn on. Suddenly, there was a crack and she turned just in time to see bronze hair and blonde hair disappear.

She heard pounding footsteps and saw Edward and Elijah on the front door.

"What's wrong?" they both asked wearily. Edward smelled of animal blood while Elijah looked as if he had a really bad nightmare.

"Renesmee was in my room with that guy from this afternoon," Arabella says walking over to where her books were clustered on the floor.

"What?!" Edward exclaimed. "What do you mean? Your sister will never team up with the bad guys."

"Well apparently you don't know your own daughter," Rebekah says from beside Arabella appearing out of nowhere. "She's a bitch."

"Watch your mouth," Esme says appearing next to the two girls.

"Sorry Ms.Esme. But you know that it's the truth," Rebekah says helping Ara pick up all the books.

Ara examined an open book and noticed a paper on the floor.

"Hey guys I think they dropped something," she says looking over the letter. She stared at it curiously as she recognized it was one of her songs.

It's the blue in his eyes that helps me see the future

Fingerprints that leave me covered for days, yeah, hey, yeah

Now I don't have any first degree

But I know, what he does to me

No need to work it out, it's so familiar, oh, oh, oh

Ara's eyes turned confused for a second who did she write this for?



"We obtained one object master," Jonathan says bowing to the cloaked man.

"Yes after Jonathan woke Arabella up we bolted," Renesmee says bowing down too. She gave Jonathan a glare making him glare back.

"Now, now my children," the man rumbled. "The only thing important is that you retrieved something useful."

He waved a red hand before the diary opened to a certain page. 

"Now let's see what is written here," he laughs evily. His two children following.

Do you guys have any guesses on who that song might be about? The song is D.N.A by Little Mix. I seriously love this freaking song! I saw it while searching for some UsUk on youtube. Don't judge me.

Sorry this is seriously sucky and that I haven't updated on Saturday. My mom got mad at me for not doing my chores and just staring at Hetalia all day -_-.

Anyways you guys know the drill!

Vote - If you hate chores

Comment - If you agree that Hetalia is utterly distracting

--------> Some UsUk love over there *-*

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