(14) Of Friends and Overprotection

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(14) Of Friends and Overprotection 





Stefan finally convinced me to go back. It took a while and he had to drag me, but we went back to the Boarding House safely. The moment my Vespa was heard, Elijah was outside and fussing over me. 

"Where have you been young lady?" he berated. I grimaced as he checked for any wounds, "We were all worried about you!" 

"I'm fine Dad," I assured, "I just needed to clear my thoughts." 

He looked over at Stefan and gave him a look, "Did you do anything inappropriate with her?" 

Stefan blushed and so did I.  

"Dad!" I whined, "We're best friends. Not friends with benefits; stop being so overprotective." 

You never do that while I'm with Klaus, I thought it my head. Stefan gave me a nudge and my eyes widen when I realize that Stefan, Jenna, and I had a telepathic link. 

Shut up, don't mention anything, I thought. Stefan hid a smirk. 

No promises princess. 

I fumed silently as I marched inside, air in the nose. Stefan chuckled behind me. I rolled my eyes and walked inside the parlor. Klaus sat on the couch drinking alcohol with Damon. He smirked at me and took a sip. I sat down next to him and glowered silently.  

"What's wrong little one?" he asked with his cute dimples, "Scared of a little city?" 

I didn't answer which I knew infuriated him. I was normally so talkative. Everyone could sense the tension in the room. Rebekah broke the awkward silence with a clap of her hands. 

"How about before our vacation, we go have a grand picnic?" she asked. Everyone agreed with her lightheartedly. She jumped up and squealed, "Wonderful. Ella and Stefan be a dear and prepare us food. Brothers, dear Jennalyn, Damon, and Elena, you will be helping me with the equipment." 

Stefan and I high-fived each other as they walked to the kitchen, celebrating the misery of the others. We stood in the kitchen for a moment debating what to whip up. 

"Should me make a five-course meal or just put some meat on a stick and bring stuff for barbeque?" I asked as I calculated the kitchen. Stefan hummed and tapped his chin.  

"I don't know." 

"I think we should pack frozen foods and some marshmallows. You know ordinary stuff. Oh and sandwiches, sandwiches are good," I suggested. Stefan agreed and we began to pack the meat, hotdogs, and barbeque sticks. We made different sandwiches and packed marshmallows, Hershey's, and graham crackers for s'mores.  

"Ella," Rebekah called from the other room just as Stefan and I finished putting everything in a basket, "Can you also handle the entertainment?" 

"I'm on it!" I answered. I grabbed my keys for my Vespa and informed Stefan that I would be going back to the house to get my guitar and the tents. 


We settled the campsite on a beach just outside of Mystic Falls. Rebekah had compelled the mayor to put a 'No Entering Sign; Private Property' sign so that nobody would bother us. We spent the rest of the afternoon setting up the tents and collecting wood from the forest. By the time everything was set up, it was nightfall.  

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