(41) The Attack

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The Mikaelsons and Cullens, minus Edward, were all sitting around in Ella's living room. Alice was staring out the window as her vision played through her mind.

A flash of lightning crackled as the fight continued. Bella was crying, crouching next to pale Renesmee. Esme was crying next to a beheaded Carlisle and Rosalie was trying not to scream as she watched Emmett be beheaded by Elena.

Ella's eyes widened and suddenly the ground cracked between them before an evil laugh was heard and everything went black.

"In your vision, Alice," Ella spoke out after Alice finished telling her vision. "What was the time?"

"I think it was somewhere around midnight when it happened. Depending on the fact that the moon was out and you could hear werewolves howling at the moon," Alice answers.

"So is that were Elena went?" Damon ask. Ella turned to him and patted his back sympathetically. Damon shrugged her off and ignored the rest of the world.

"We have to come up with a plan to defeat them and prevent the deaths to happen," Stefan says looking at everyone.

"For once, I agree with my brother here," Damon says. He smirked at everyone and uttered the words everyone needed to here for motivation.

"This is war."


Everyone waited in the field where Alice's vision took place at. Elijah and Klaus were on either sides of Ella, Rebekah behind them with Damon and Stefan. Bella was on the far right corner with Jasper and Alice was with Esme on the left. Jeremy stood with his crossbow ready while Bonnie's ghost stood next to him. Rosalie was behind Rebekah with Emmett next to him. Carlisle had gladly chickened out and left his family to die.

"This is it, huh?" Ella sighed as she watched her family and friends kiss and hug each other goodbye.

"Don't say that," Elijah says. "We'll survive."

"That's not what I'm worried about," Ella muttered.

Before Elijah could answer black cloaks swept through the fields. A memory of the Volturi's battle with them flashed through the Cullen's mind.

"Talk about deja vu," Emmett joked behind them. Ella let out a small chuckle before glaring at Renesmee who took off her hood. Her bronze hair seemed to point to a more black color now. Her eyes were a deep amber red similar to a full vampire's.

Bella gasped and she tried to run to her daughter only to be stopped by Jasper. Renesmee seemed to smirk wider and grow a couple more inches. Bella glared at her making Renesmee pout.

"Aww Mama!" she exclaimed. "Aren't you glad to see your daughter?"

"You are not my daughter!" Bella hissed. Renesmee chuckled and looked at her fingers disinterestedly. 

"You're right Bella. I'm not Renesmee," she says looking up. She extended a pale hand and smirked maliciously at them. "I'm Aurelia."

"Who the hell is Aurelia?" Damon asked. Elena smirked at him. Her features had changed too. Her brown hair was now a deep red and her eyes were a piercing silver.

"Hush Damon. Let the adults speak," she cackled. Damon glared at her before he looked away. A cloaked figure raised a hand making Ella almost loose her footing. Elijah steadied her and noticed that his daughter's face was unusually pale.

"Now now girls," the distorted voice rumbled. Ella almost choked as the voice seemed to talk to her. "We meet again Ella Mikaelson."

"I has been too long," the voice continued. 

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