(6) New Member

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(6) New Member 

This chapter has been edited. 


Author's Note:  

First of all I just want to say, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 400 READS. And to think I only posted this story 2 or 3 weeks ago. I know you're all probably wondering when is Ara going meet Elijah. Well only two or three more chapters with the Cullens and then she is off to Mystic Falls. Anyways continue to vote and comment in this story. Thank you guys! :) 

Arabella's P.O.V: 


Uncle Emmett said that I slept like a rock. People have to try at least five different methods of waking me up. But again, Renesmee continues to amaze me. I woke up to my face hitting the floor. I looked up, startled from the impact. I saw a 10 year old Renesmee smirking from me. It's been a few months since and we have gathered a lot of witnesses. 

There was Benjamin, the vampire with the ability to control the elements. He was part of the Egyptian coven and was brought in by Carlisle and Esme. He agreed that he would testify with the Volturi with us. He learned to love Renesmee and me. When he learned of my power to replicate powers, he worked with me to improve it. He became one of my best friends along with Maggie and Zafrina. 

Maggie was a vampire from the Irish coven. She had the power to tell if a person was lying or not. We first met while I was the woods with Seth and Leah. We were doing our normal stuff, running around and scaring the poop out of animals. Well Seth and I were running around, Leah acted as our guardian. Maggie just arrived with her coven when they ran into me. They assumed that I was Renesmee but when I told them I was Arabella they freaked out. They told me that Carlisle told them that I was possibly dangerous. Maggie kept quiet the whole time and just stared at me. She told them that I was a half Nightwalker and they freaked out even more. Safe to say it was hilarious and I found her later and we became friends. 

Zafrina was a different story. She treated me like I was a disease because Renesmee told her that I hurt her once. She was part of the Amazon coven and she became fond of Renesmee like every witness that we have. She avoided me like the plague before we eventually talked. I told her that Renesmee and I had a complicated relationship and to not believe anything Renesmee had said about me. Regardless to say, we bonded over her power and like Benjamin and Maggie helped me to boost my power to the next level. 

Renesmee was smirking at me from where she was positioned near my bookshelf. Her bronze hair was styled in curls and she looked even paler. I was guessed that she convinced someone to give her makeup. But trust me, she still looked the same. 

"I like your room," she said looking around. My room was simple. Walls painted to look like a sunset, wooden floors, a canopy bed similar to the bed that mommy and daddy used during their honeymoon, a desk in the corner, a closet, bookshelves and my own connected bathroom. 

"Your room is nicer," I told her trying to at least be nice to her. After all she was my little sister. She snorted at me and smirked again.  

"I wonder," she hummed. "How long would it take you to pick up all you books?" 

Before I could ask what she meant, she kicked my bookshelf. All the books tumbled down to the floor. I watched in horror as Renesmee stifled a laugh and skipped out of my room. I sighed as I started to pick my books up one by one. I checked and noticed that the special book for my secret room was still intact. 

As I finished the first row a knock sounded on my door. I turned to see a brunette looking at me with raised eyebrows. I turned back to my books and spoke without looking at her. 

"Hello, you must be one of the witnesses for my sister and I. Glad to have you on board," I told her. I laced a bit of sarcasm in the last sentence. 

"Sure if you put it that way," the girl said in with a hint of an accent. I continued putting my books away ignoring the presence of the girl. 

"I'm Crystal," said Crystal me. "And you are?" 

"Arabella," I told her. "Please to meet you, but I'm pretty sure you need to meet Renesmee first." 

"After what she did to your books?" she asked. "No thank you. I don't get why everyone adores her." 

I looked down to my books, "She's mommy and daddy's miracle child." 

"And you aren't?" she questioned coming over to sit on my bed. 

"Not really," I told her honestly. "I'm half Nightwalker which is considered dangerous." 

"So what?" she said. "Some of my friends are Nightwalkers. It doesn't change the fact that we are close." 

"You're right. Just because someone is another species doesn't mean they are all that bad," I spoke boldly. I slumped on the ground with my head leaning against the bookcase. 

"Renesmee has always been the popular one out of the two of us. People notice her abilities but they don't notice mine. They praise her for hard-work that I do for her and scold me for not doing mine because I was too busy helping her. She steals the slightest bit of attention I have from my parents and I fear that they are slowly forgetting about me. Most of our witnesses are vouching for Renesmee and look forward for me to be taken away and killed except for a few. So, tell me Crystal, are you vouching for me or my sister?" I asked her. 

"You," she answered. "I'm vouching for you. I may have just met you but you seem like someone I can be best friends with." 

"That's nice of you to say," I told her. "Can you help me with my books?" 

"Sure," she smiled. From then on I knew that even though I was different and an outcast, I'll always have friends that will like me for who I am.  


Hope you guys like this chapter. The ending was cheesy XD. I didn't intend it to be. I just typed in the first sentence about friends that I could come up with and there it is! Love you guys! 



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