(5) Crystal Jona Cullen

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(4) Crystal Jona Cullen 

This chapter has been edited. 


Edward's P.O.V 


We gathered up as many witnesses as we can. Everyone spread out to collect all the vampires they knew and convince them to testify against the Volturi. As I searched for more possible witnesses in my mind a name suddenly pops up. 

I walked to my old room in the house, the one Arabella now occupies. I searched through the blue drawers and the books on the shelves until I found a book with old telephone numbers. I remembered that I had someone bewitch it so that if someone joins the family or gets a new phone number it would be written down. 

I flipped the pages until I got to the 'C' part. I scrolled through the names and phone numbers until I finally spotted the one name I wanted to find. 

Crystal Jona Cullen - (555-1230) (Authors Note: Don't actually try to call this number. I just made it up. If it is an actual number then yay, I'm psychic.) 

I stared at the picture next to it, a girl, no older than 17, standing next to me. She wore a green dress and seemed to be scowling at the camera. I stood next to her with a crooked smile and an amused twinkle in my eyes. Just seeing the pictures brings so many memories. 


"Edward, I look horrible in this? Do I really have to go out looking like this?" Crystal asked from inside her dressing room. I rolled my eyes impatiently. 

"Yes Crystal. Carlisle and Esme expect you to be there. It is their after wedding party after all," I answer. 

It was 1996. Carlisle and Esme decided that they go and get married. They did. My sister Crystal absolutely refused to go to the party. Sure she was there for the wedding but she didn't want to go to the party. Carlisle sent me to fetch my little sister by 5 minutes. So I did. 

"Look can you just come out already? Carlisle and Esme are waiting for us," I said again. 

She opened the door and headed out. She wore a green dress, it wasn't loose but it wasn't too tight. It had light green ruffles and a bow. It stopped 2 inches above her knees. Her hair was in an up-do and she looked like a grumpy princess. 

"Let's just get this over with," she grumbles. We entered the ballroom of the hotel the reservation was hosted in. Everyone turned to look at us but Crystal glared them all the way. Carlisle came to greet us and Esme hugged Crystal. 

"Can I go now?" Crystal asked. Carlisle glared and pointed to the camera guy taking pictures.  

"Get one picture with your brother, then you can go," Carlisle says. Esme drags him off to the dance floor before Crystal can protest. She turned to me and glowered. 

"Let's get the stupid picture," she hissed.  

End of Flashback 

I smiled at the memory. That was the last time I saw her. We were just newborns back then and we still couldn't get a hang of eating bunnies and squirrels. Crystal had better self-control but she doubts it sometimes, paranoid of what she could do to the humans. She left after she accidentally slipped up and killed a human, I never saw her since. I gathered up my courage and dialed the number. After two rings I was about to hang up when a person picked up the phone. 

"'Ello, you've reached CJ Cullen." 


P.O.V Switch -Crystal Cullen 


I was in my apartment with my best friends Jennalyn Salvatore and Axel Woodland. I was watching Pretty Little Liars when my phone rang. I groaned and got off my comfortable spot and headed to the kitchen. Axel was in his room doing god knows what and Jenna was off hunting for food on the streets of New Orleans. 

"'Ello, you've reached CJ Cullen," I answered the phone with my best American accent. Only Axel has ever called me CJ and he got five broken bones after it. 

"Crystal?" I heard a familiar voice on the other side of the phone. 

"Edward?" I asked surprised. "Is that really you big brother by two minutes? How long has it been 10 years? " 

"Five minutes actually and I don't know. I'm not good with time, Karly is," he chuckled. 

"Yeah, and you're no Karly. She actually has a vajayjay," I told him. "So what brings you to call me?" 

"I need a favor..." 


And this one is also really short. Told you guys this was a filler chapter. Hope you guys like the new character. CJ, Crystal Jona, is Edward's younger twin sister by 5 minutes. She was turned a year after Edward had been as she was also dying of influenza. She left after she turned all ripper on a guy. She met Jenna during one of her hunts and offered her counseling on how to be a better vampire. She's friends with Axel Woodland, born Axiles (Ax- sell- us) Herdevay, who she can't stand. 

She has the power to see the past, present, and future and sometime time travel but she can't change the past. She can also astral project and sometimes to an extent control time itself but it takes a lot of energy.

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