(35) The Whispers

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Meanwhile in New York

Ella Mikaelson groaned in exhaustion as her two best friends, Rebekah and Jenna, shopped for clothes for her and themselves. Why did Elijah have to tell Jenna that she needs more clothes? Heck why did he have to say it in front of Rebekah? She had enough clothes to last forever. That's what happens when your best friends are shopaholics and vampires.

She sighed again as she pulled out her phone and turned it on only to have it off again.

"Huh?" she said softly as she tried to turn on. The phone flickered before it died. "That's weird."

The light of the building flickered, attracting Jenna's and Rebekah's attention. Jenna looked around her blue eyes became sharp and annoyed.

"Dammit," Jenna says before she walked over to the other side of the store. Rebekah and Ella stared at her. Jenna walked to a person that was wearing a silver hoodie with the letters 'AWE' in black with a spell book of some sort on the bottom.

"Who do you think that is?" Rebekah asks Ella. Ella didn't hear the question as she was too busy looking at the person. Jenna seemed to be in a heated conversation with the person. She knew that she has seen that person before but where?

Rebekah and Ella tried to listen to the two but didn't hear anything but the sounds of the people talking around them.

"Do you think that the person may be a warlock or witch?" Ella asked Rebekah. Rebekah shrugged before she continued with her shopping, while Ella continued to watch the two. After a long talk and lots of angry gestures from Jenna, the two finally hugged it out. But before the person left, they reached something into their pocket and gave it Jenna. Jenna nodded before waving goodbye. But Ella swore that she saw a hint of green eyes before the person left.

Jenna walked back to the two girls before smiling sheepishly at them. 

"I'm sorry guys but I-," before she could finish Ella dropped to the ground in unconsciousness.

In Ella's Unconscious Mind

Ella groaned as she woke up on the cold hard floor. She looked around blue eyes dazed and confused.

"Where am I?" she muttered looking around the room curiously. The room seemed familiar. It had a grand piano on the left corner of the room. There was huge space in the middle, which she guessed was for dancing, and a small stage next to the stairs. 

Laughter made her snap her head up and look at where it came from. A girl with blonde hair entered with a guy with brown hair. Ella stood up in embarrasement.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I don't know how I got here," Ella says but she was ignored by the two. Ella looked at the two people in curiosity. She walked closer to the two cautiously before trying to touch the girl. Key word trying.

Her hand went through the girl and Ella drew her hand back in shock. She looked at her hands and the two people only to see their clothing. It was one of those old princess dresses that Rebekah had in store in her closet.

It was a long white dress with gold accents. It hugged the girl's waist perfectly and it made her look like royalty. The straps were loose on her shoulders and the bottom of the dress was flowing slightly. The girl's hair was in a complex braid up-do thingy.

"Amelia we can't keep doing this," the boy said breathlessly, a smile on his face. Now Ella had a good look on him.

He had unruly black hair and green eyes that made you melt instantly. He had a goofy smile on his face as he tried to catch his breath.

"C'mon Alexander," Amelia says smiling at her best friend. "It's not like the towns people will suddenly come here and shoot us."

Alexander shook his head, his smile disappearing. He looked very serious now as if what Amelia said was true.

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