(19) A Shock For All

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I have to now update twice in one week. My birthdays almost here! So now here is the chapter I know you guys have been waiting for:


He can't be serious. After Klaus had said that he was the first original vampire everyone turned to Aro. He smiled nervously which only made Klaus smirk wider.

"There was once a family that lived in a small land. When the mother gave birth to one of them he died in a plague that overcame their homeland. The boy's death was the reason the family moved from their land to the new world," a guy in a suit and nice hair explained.

The girl who ran out after Klaus instructed her rolled her eyes and flashed away. Rebekah looked after her worriedly but her facial features showed relief when she came back with a blue iPod and earphones. I heard music blasting before she put on her earphones and mumbled somethings.

"Rebekah please continue," the girl said not looking up from her phone. Rebekah looked at her in annoyance but continued anyways.

"They were welcomed by all the people and for once they were happy," Rebekah smiled. Then the guy who was named 'Kol' smirked.

"Two of the eldest brother fell for one of the girls in the villages," Rebekah rolled her eyes.

"Yes and she was bitch so are her two doppelgangers. Moving on," she mumbled. The girl who ran out laughed and a girl with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes glared at them.

"The girl who ran out has a name you know," she said after she was done laughing. I realized that she was talking to me. I looked up and sure enough she was staring at me. I blushed, kind of, since vampires can't blush.

"Klaus did you even introduce anyone but yourself?" she asked. Klaus smirked.

"Well no love, you know how I am," he said gesturing with his hands. 

"Alright the Mikaelsons first," she sighed.

"You already know me," Rebekah said to everyone. They nodded and clapped.

"Elijah Mikaelson, the eldest of all," the dark haired guy said. I felt as though he was glaring at a certain person in this room. But when I looked he was merely nodding.

"Kol Mikaelson," the one that Rebekah yelled at to drink the blood outside said smirking at everyone. I swear I almost swooned.

"Damon Salvatore," a guy with crystal blue eyes and dark hair smirked. Again swoon. 

"Stefan Salvatore," the guy standing next to the blonde girl that addressed me said. He had forest green eyes and light brown hair.

"Jennalyn Salvatore, but call me Jennalyn and I swear you will die from a broken neck and no heart," she warned. Kol wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed her.

 "That's my girl," he announced and he glared at every guy in the room who were staring at her. They all shrunk back and he smiled triumphantly. 

"I'm Elena Gilbert," the one who glared at Rebekah said smiling at all the boys. The boys looked glazed but the blonde who Elena also glared to snapped her fingers and soon they were all back to normal. Elena looked pissed and started to charge at Mini Me. I decided to call her Mini Me since she looks like me. Mini Me just held up her palm to Elena not even looking up from her phone and just like that Elena came flying all the way across the room. Elena got back up but didn't attack anymore.

"I'm Jeremy Gilbert," another guy said. He was standing next to an African-American girl and a blonde girl with blue eyes.

"And I am Caroline Forbes," the blond one said. All of them turned to Mini Me. She was mouthing words. I could only make out Safe and Sound before she looked up.

"Oh your done," she mumbled. "I'm Ella Mikaelson. But I am not related to them," she said pointing to the Mikaelsons. "I was adopted by Elijah about 7 years ago." 

"Alright so moving on with the story," Klaus said.

"Alright so one day the third eldest and the youngest decided to sneak out to see the wolves transform. In the morning the youngest came back, dead," Klaus said. 

They continued the story on how they were transformed. How the originals came to be and how the third eldest was half-werewolf.

"So here we stand, you guys looking at Four of The Originals," Klaus said.

"Our brother Finn died after he almost helped our mother try to kill us and Henrik died when Nik and him snuck out," Rebekah said.

"But 7 years ago, Elijah here decided to go travel and he met this lovely woman or girl at the age of 9," Klaus said putting an arm around Ella. 

"Yes and this girl with burn your hand off if you don't put it away," she threatened.

"But aren't you a nightwalker?" Renesmee asked.

Ella looked at her as if noticing that she was just here.

"Well yes but I have some special powers like this," She moved a nearby vase up in the air without her hands. She held up her hands and it froze in the middle of the air. She moved it again and the vase blew up into tiny pieces.

"I'm not just a Nightwalker, I'm also half-Cold One,"


Putting that aside sorry for the late update. So here we go this is just a filler chapter but the next one won't be the continuation. Nessie is in highschool and Jenna and Ella will be joining her along with some of the characters so stayed tuned! Oh P.S the power that Ella was demonstrating was from Charmed. It was a combination of Prue's Telekinesis, Piper's freezing and Piper's blowing up power -----------> Its on the side.




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