(10) Explanations

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(10) Explanations 





I lead Elijah to nowhere in particular, as I began to tell him of my story.  

"My sister and I were born half-human. My mother was still human when she and my father conceived us. They only expected my sister as her heartbeat is stronger than my own. Apparently, my father's vampire genes were stronger in my blood rather than my sister's. This caused me to have more vampire qualities than my sister. 

"Carlisle figured out that I was a Nightwalker a few days after my birth; the fact that I could burn in the sun and not sparkle like a fairy kind of tipped him off. But what he didn't understand was why I could have my abilities. This lead to a few experiments and theories that I can't remember all that well." 

"Did he ever find out why you can have natural Cold One abilities?" Elijah asked as he was drawn into the story.  

I shook my head and sighed, "He tried hard to search for an answer but he didn't find one. My theory is that because my father had magic, no matter how much venom I have in me, I still maintained his magical components." 


We just got back from the trip to ice cream store when we found Carlisle sitting on the steps of the house, a contrite frown on his face. As he heard the car pull up, he stood and smiled uneasily. Jasper's head snapped up and looked at Renesmee with a confused look, to which my daughter answered with a pointed one. 

"Carlisle, where's Arabella? We got her favorite ice cream flavor with us!" Alice chirped as she held out a brown paper bag filled with caramel flavored ice cream. Bella and I were a little upset when we found out that Alice knew Arabella's favorite ice cream flavor but we didn't. 

"Uh, yes, before I tell you where she is, I think it is best that you all come inside and sit down," he said as he turned around and walked towards the house.  

We looked at each other with confused looks before following Carlisle into the house, where he proceeded to tell us where my eldest daughter was. 


"When my sister and I were born, my parents were shocked when I came out first," I told him. Elijah was listening diligently. "But with my twin sister still in the womb, they hastily cast me aside in favor of rescuing my sister first. I wasn't upset when I learned of this, knowing that my mother was dying and my sister could very well be stuck in there forever, I am quite empathetic." 

Elijah interrupted my storytelling with a small smile. "For a girl born just a few months ago, you have a remarkable vocabulary and grammar." 

I smiled a bit and ducked my head as I blushed. "My mother said that I got my intelligence from my father." 

Elijah nodded, sated with the answer. "Please continue." 

"And so anyway, even the first few second of my birth, I knew that I would be an outcast." 


We followed Carlisle into the house and sat down on our couches. Renesmee had been tired and went to take a nap upstairs in Alice's room. Apparently, the door to Arabella's room was locked and only she could have accessed it. 

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