Chapter VI: Punching Through Slugclub

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Rights to some of the characters and plot line go to J. K. Rowling and L. J. Smith. However, most of the characters and plot are mine.


Katherina's PoV:

I literally felt like everything with Tom was one step forward and six steps back. Whenever we finally started to make some leeway, he would do or say something to make me hate him. Ever since he called Scarlett a mudblood we hadn't met for the project once, hadn't smiled in the corridors or joked as we got on with class work, instead we had reverted back to angry competition, him trying to one-up me and me finding ways to correct him. We glared and grunted in class, shoulder barged each other out of class and basically hated like we were enemys. The school had gone from thinking we were a couple, to running as soon as they thought a fight might emerge from us.

I genuinely gave up with that boy, all he needs to do is apologise and everything would be fine. But no. No way. Tom Riddle is much too stubborn and will drag everyone down with him. The project was a whole week behind, not that we even got much done in the first place, and there was no way I would do it all myself. Tom didn't know the things I did so he couldn't do it, looks like we're at a stalemate.

"If you glare at the fireplace any harder your face will get stuck in a permanent frown."

I was brought from my thoughts by the voice of my brother's best friend, the brown haired boy dropping to lie across the sofa I sat on, his head managing to land in my lap.

"What's got you so angry?" He wiggled his eyebrows, smiling as my own face softened.

"Riddle." I rolled my eyes, my right hand drifting to play with Adrian's hair.

"Ah yeah, what exactly happened between you two, you never said." His eyes closed at my motion.

"He turned into an arse that's all." I smiled, gazing back into the fire. "I'm more pissed he's letting the project suffer and I no longer have a date to Slughorn's."

"Isn't that tonight?" Adrian ignored the rest of my speech, choosing to focus just on the latter.

"Yep." I shrugged, popping the 'P'.

"You still going?" Excitement crept into his voice, initially going unnoticed.

"Well I wanted to but I need a date and everyone's bloody taken. Scarlett ditched me for Mason, that bitch." I looked back down to see Adrian's eyes already on me.

"You know," he re-closed his eyes in an attempt to appear nonchalant. "I'm free tonight..."

I stared silently at the boys face, my eyes glossing over his square jaw, high cheek bones, straight nose and tanned skin.

God he's so hot. If only he wasn't an easily addicted slut who happens to be best friends with my twin.

His eyes popped open as I remained quiet for a good minute, his pupils dilating when he realised how deeply I stared at him. The corner of his mouth lifted into an arrogant smirk before he pulled his long body up to sit next to me, facing me and merely a breath away.

"Finally fallen for me, eh Rina?" The smirk never left his face as he came closer.

"Don't make me punch you." I spoke dryly, an eyebrow raised.

He laughed loudly, leaning back and breaking the moment. He then took a deep breath and slapped his knees, rising from the sofa and heading for the boy's corridor.

"Better go find me a suit anyway."

"What, why?" I rose, watching him go.

"Well, so I can accompany you of course." He winked before turning the corner, not even waiting for a response.

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