Chapter IX: A Killing Fit

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Rights to some of the characters and plot line go to J. K. Rowling and L. J. Smith. However, most of the characters and plot are mine.


Tom's PoV:

"Nope. You're a half-blood and a god damned hypocrite."

I felt my body become deathly still, taking in her words and not once looking anywhere other than into her eyes.

I thought she was going to speak about my basilisk, and here she is calling out my blood status! But how does she even know? How could she find out!? She shouldn't be able to, I had everything set up and nobody questioned me. Why now, why her?

"I'm sorry, I've no clue what you're talking about." When confused on what to do, deny, deny, deny.

"Don't play dumb with me Riddle, I can basically smell it on you." She glared at me, a look that would send anyone else quivering.

I gave up arguing with her, instead leaning forward in a threatening manner, hands slammed on the table next to hers.

"How do you know!?" I kept my tone in a hiss, angry beyond belief.

"You should know by now that I'm not like other witches, Riddle. I can perform wandless, wordless magic and I'm only just 16. My power goes beyond imagination and it gave me a few extra benefits on top." She leaned back in her seat, arms crossed and tone nonchalant.

I couldn't help my curiosity. "Such as?"

"Oh I don't know, my connection with snakes, my control over certain elements, my ability to sense other people's magic..." She raised an eyebrow.

"I'm incredibly powerful, even as a half-blood. I have as much power and more than a pureblood, that is not how you figured it out." I glared deeply at her.

"The different blood types taste different. It's like I can taste people's magic in the air, not just how powerful they are but how much runs through their blood. I think if you were a pureblood you would be disastrously powerful, Tom. Even more so than I." She shook her head, leaning forward again. It seemed almost like she dropped her guard, going back to the same comfort we found in each other before. My guard almost dropped with hers.

I tilted my head at the compliment. "Explain it to me. This 'taste the magic' thing." I used my hands as quote marks.

She tilted her head to the side slightly, gaze drifting into the distance. "The blood of a pureblood oozes magic and I can sense that. On the other hand, muggleborns have the most basic taste of magic in their blood as they're the start of a new line. Then half-bloods lie somewhere in the middle, undoubtable magic in their blood but not strong enough to create a pureblood stench."

I nodded in half-understanding. "And how does this bare nothing on sensing how powerful one is? I still don't understand how this made you realise, as I am incredibly powerful."

She nodded. "That's undeniable, though I would be slightly less cocky." Her tone grew disapproving. "Tasting someone's blood status is completely different to how powerful they are. It's like using two different senses, I can taste the status but feel the amount of power. Like eating chocolate and feeling chocolate, it's two different sensations."

All my anger had diminished for curiosity at the girl's power. She may truly rival me. The two of us together and on the same side could be phenomenal.

I must make it happen.

"I think I understand what you mean." We both came to a silence that wasn't at all awkward, the two of us lost in thought. I left it that way for a good minute before interrupting. "Now that you know, I trust that you will keep this to yourself, yes?"

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