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Rights to some of the characters and plot line go to J. K. Rowling and L. J. Smith. However, some of the characters and most of the plot are mine.

As if this book is over now. What am I supposed to do with my life from now on :'(


September 1st 2016
3rd person

Platform 9 3/4 was filled to the brim with families bidding their goodbyes to their young ones. The atmosphere held utter excitement with undertones of anxiousness and sadness on both the students and parents part. Draco and Astoria Malfoy hugged their son, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, this being the first time the family would be separated. The parents knew this was for the best, that Scorpius needed to be at Hogwarts, but it didn't hurt any less to them.

"Make sure you write us frequently, okay dear." Astoria stroked her baby's cheek gently.

"Yes, mother." The pale, blonde boy rolled his eyes, impatient.

"And do be nice, don't take after your father."

Draco chuckled at her words. "Yes, don't." 

Behind them, Ron Weasley and Hermione Weasley-Granger stood with their two children, Rose and Hugo.

"So, that's little Scorpius," Ron saw the Malfoy family in his line of sight. "Make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie. Thank god you inherited your mother's brains."

Hermione hit Ron's arm lightly. "Ignore him." She pulled the young girl into a hug, kissing her head. "Just do well, love."

"Here they come." Ron nodded to where the Potter family had finally arrived with their children.

Ginny and Harry dragged Albus-Severus, James and Lily towards the red-haired family. The parents embraced each other, the children stood awkwardly. 

"Are you excited Albus?" Hermione held Rose under one arm, attempting to engage the boy in conversation. He nodded, but did not speak, too lost in his thoughts.

"Al is scared he'll be placed into Slytherin." Harry tried to excuse his son's behaviour.

"And whatever is wrong with being in Slytherin?" An incredibly tall man with golden blonde hair and green eyes walked over towards the two families. He looked to be in his mid 20's and had a group of adults and children following him.

"Dare!" Harry stepped forward to hug the older man. Dare returned the hug as his son, Kol, came around to also embrace Harry.

Having both been turned immortal at age 18, they now looked around the same age despite being father and son. Harry had grown up with Dare as his godfather, the older man having attended Hogwarts with his father as the fifth marauder. Kol attended Hogwarts with Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron, the group incredibly good friends.

The Riddle-Dracula family had all come together to see the youngest addition off on his first year at Hogwarts. Said boy currently stood in his father's shadow, unsure what to do.

Dare turned to engage his 11 year old grandson. "Why don't you tell Albus why it's okay to be Slytherin, Tom?"

Tom Marvolo Riddle-Dracula II slowly walked around his father to face the group. His green eyes peered through black hair as he spoke. "Slytherin are leaders, they succeed in whatever path they take. Their ambition may make them seem as though they are bad, but really? They're just competitive."

Albus stared at his fellow pupil silently.

"Would you like to sit with us on the train?" Rose stared at the green-eyed boy.

"Well I have a lot of family starting their first years too, but I guess we could all sit together!" Tom Jr. smiled as the final whistle blew for students to board. He waved goodbye to his family, following the others onto the red train.

Dare turned slightly, watching with a smile on his face as two people, whom appeared to be in their late 20's, stood off to the side, watching the students with broad smiles. The woman looked up at the man beside her, a content smile on her face. He felt her gaze, looking down to see her and immediately giving her a soft kiss on her forehead. The couple continued their loving gaze, nobody other than themselves existing in that moment. It was only the sound of the train beginning to leave the station that brought the two out of their reverie.

"That's another generation off." The woman sighed happily.

"And many more to come." The man wrapped her into a hug, green eyes glistening.

"Many, many more Tom." The woman stood on her tiptoes as the man bent down to kiss her, their worlds complete.

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