Chapter XI: Deadly Rumours

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Rights to some of the characters and plot line go to J. K. Rowling and L. J. Smith. However, most of the characters and plot are mine.


Katherina's PoV:

I awoke to the sound of smashing, my tired brain comprehending that someone had broken something but not finding the effort to be 100% bothered.

I'm warm and comfy, whoever you are just leave before I hex you into oblivion.

I squinted my eyes, refusing to open them and instead cuddling closer to my breathing, warm, cosy pillow. The sound stopped for a moment, a smile gracing my face, before my own words finally registered in my head.

Cosy? Warm? Breathing?!

My eyes shot open, immediately narrowing in on the fact my head rested on someone's chest on the sofa, by the fire, in the common room. My body tensed, causing the body under me to tense also.

Oh god, they're awake, that means awkward encounters, sweet Merlin save me.

I lifted my head from the warm chest slowly, my eyes meeting round green ones. We stared at each other in silence for a moment, neither of us moving, before another crash and an angered growl came from before us.

We both short up into sitting positions, eyes landing on the one and only Adrian Ivashkov who seemed to be, for some reason, trashing the common room. He had swiped every trophy Slytherin had ever earned from the trophy cabinets, that's over 1,500 years of trophies.

That was the sound which woke me up.

Then he had picked up a wooden chair and thrown it against the wall, completely smashing the furniture.

That was the sound which broke the staring contest.

He now stood glaring at Tom and I, chest heaving and fists clenched so tight his hands had turned white. He glared at us for a final minute before hissing, not unlike a snake.  "You fucking slut."

And then he stormed out the common room.

Tom and I both sat completely still, not quite sure what had gone on. I turned to look at him the same time he did me, our confused eyes meeting.

"I don't..." He began.

"Same." I shook my head.

We both stayed in silence, trying to figure out how to proceed.

"Woah!" Christian chose that moment to appear from the boys' corridor. "What the freak happened here?" He raised one dark eyebrow.

I shook my head, speechless.

"Ivashkov." Tom muttered before simply rising to his feet and disappearing to his room.

Christians pale eyes watched him go, his gaze snapping straight to me as soon as Tom was out of hearing distance.

"What on earth is going on?" He came to sit facing me, elbows on his knees.

I shook my head again. "I fell asleep down here talking to Tom, by accident. Adrian found us."

His mouth rounded in understanding. "Ah so Mr. Ivashkov understandably got jealous."

"I don't get where the rage came from, he was never like this before." I frowned.

"You miss the old Adrian, don't you?" He spoke softly.

I smiled ruefully. "The old Adrian appears to still be at St. Vladimir's. He's changed here and none of us like it, I feel like I've lost a brother and I know it's hurting Kiyo too."

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