Chapter XXI: Pretend Ever After

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Rights to some of the characters and plot line go to J. K. Rowling and L. J. Smith. However, some of the characters and most of the plot are mine.


~~~ 2 Years After Hogwarts ~~~

Katherina's PoV: 

I would be lying if I tried to claim our last year of Hogwarts was anything other than boring. By some miracle, Tom (of course he survived) and I graduated as Heads of Hogwarts (yes I got head girl during the year, after the original was expelled for bringing boys back to the head's private rooms). Some said it was unfair as I had only been there a year prior, but nobody could argue against the headmaster so it made no difference to me. Tom and I both left with 100% in every subject for our NEWT's. That wasn't much of a surprise but it meant we were both in demand from every major institution in the wizarding world, each of them wanting us to go and work for them. Since we were both major fans of Defence Against the Dark Arts it only seemed right we become Aurors, so when my father also stepped forward to offer us jobs, we jumped at the chance.

In fact, we worked there for no more than a year after graduation, before our team became the most successful in fathers company. We worked alongside Kiyo and Christian, and we all seemed to fit in with each other so incredibly well. Christian had a tendency to piss people off, while Kiyo and all his charm, reigned them back in. Then Tom and I took over in the official investigation offensively, taking down whoever our opponent was. In fact, we were so successful because our first ever mission, was taking down Gellert Grindelwald alongside Albus Dumbledore. Obviously, Dumbledore did all the heavy lifting, since he and Grindelwald knew each other prior, but we were a part of the team which tracked him down and dealt with the problem.

Other than that, Lisa and Christian married a month after graduating and Lisa (9 months later) gave birth to Elliot Christian Ozera, named after Lisa's brother who died during her younger years. Eli was now a whooping 2, and Lisa and Christian had recently revealed they were expecting their next soon. Lisa had a job as an emergency healer at St Mungo's, saving more lives than we ever imprisoned.

Kiyo is currently engaged to Poppy Pomfrey and the pair go together perfectly. If Kiyo gets too excited and over the top, Poppy is always there to pinch his ear and bring him back to earth. Poppy was currently training at St Mungo's while she waited for the matron position at Hogwarts to open up.

Roberto still worked at Hogwarts, however over summer he began dating a woman around our age, who goes by the name of Minerva McGonnagall. We aren't sure where the relationship will go, since Roberto works away the majority of the year, but they seemed to have it all figured out and for that we were happy.

Rose and Dimitri married just 6 months ago, however unlike Lisa and Christian, they were in no hurry to start a family. Dimitri still worked as an individual Auror for my father's company while Rose worked as a wizardly bodyguard to none other than the Potter family. I would explain how that occurred but we don't exactly have the year it took to happen, to explain.

I can officially confirm, queue the applause, that Cathy and Alphard finally made it official! It took until the beginning of this academic year, one which happened to be their fifth, but it had finally happened. Cathy has gained more confidence than we thought possible since the pair began dating and even Tom was finally accepting Alphard as a part of the family.

Mason and Scarlett had married a month after Dimtri and Rose, although the pair still argued like cat and dog regularly, they soon made up and acted like the most loved up couple you had ever come across in your life. Scarlett was also expecting a baby, and judging from the feeling I got, an incredibly powerful one at that. Well, it's either power or sass that I can sense from their offspring, who wants to bet it's actually probably the latter? Mason and Scarlett both worked for the ministry of magic, Scarlett under the Department of Magical Transportation and Mason under the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.

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