Chapter XXII: Death is Only the Beginning

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Rights to some of the characters and plot line go to J. K. Rowling and L. J. Smith. However, some of the characters and most of the plot are mine.


Katherina's PoV:

"Make sure you grab your coat, baby!" I shouted down the hall towards the living room, in a rush to make sure I didn't leave without anything.

"Okay, mummy." Dare's voice reached my ears, however so did the sound of him playing with his toy train.

"Now, Dare! We don't have time to play anymore!" I shook my head with a chuckle. His little footsteps sounded on the wooden floor as he waddled his way towards me.

"I got it!" His green eyes grinned up at me, his coat held up high in triumph.

"Good," I bent to stroke his cheek. "Now put it on, silly."

He giggled away, wrestling to get the garment on himself. "I not silly, mummy!"

I chuckled again, dropping my bags to the floor and picking the soon-to-be 3 year old up, raising him high into the air. His little giggle transformed into a large laugh as I placed him on the cabinet in the hallway, before helping him into his coat.


I pecked him on the head once he was buttoned up. "Hmm?"

"Where's daddy?" His hands clapped lightly on my cheeks as I lifted him from the cabinet, propping him on my hip.

I hoisted the bags from the floor and onto my shoulder, struggling down the hall to the front door. God this mum thing is so attractive. "Daddy had to nip to Diagon Alley, so he'll be meeting us at Hogwarts later on."

Dare didn't reply, instead settling his head in the crook of my neck.

Today was the day of Cathy and John's 18th birthday. For that reason, we were going to Hogwarts to perform the immortality spell on them both. This way, Tom will no longer have to heal Cathy from her illness every year, she should be saved for life.

"Is Ree-Ree there?" Dare played with the snake necklace I always wore, the one Tom got me during sixth year.

"No baby, but we can take you to see her tomorrow if you'd like?" I fumbled one handed with my keys in an attempt to unlock the door.

"Yes pwease."

'Ree-Ree' happened to be Christian and Lisa's youngest, Rhea-Rose. She was just a month older then Dare and the two had adorable baby crushes on the other.

Dare suddenly shivered harshly, his hands making small fists in my jacket.

"What's the matter, baby?" I immediately stopped what I was doing, concerned.

"B-bad people, mummy... Bad." His voice was completely terrified, no louder than a breath of air.

"Bad people?" I frowned, dropping the bags off my shoulder so I could try and pry the boy off my neck. "What do you mean, Daredevil?"

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