Chapter 4

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"Indeed what is to come will be better for you than what has gone by" ~~~~Quran.

Assalamualikum people.

Have a rocking day😎😎

Zoha's POV
I was on my bed laying lifeless.
Exhausted, dizziness, headache and cold at this hot temperature wasn't the normal thing I guess. It felt like my head is on a circular ride, it was giving me a hard time.
Noor, my maid asked me for the breakfast but I felt like the loss of appetite right then.

It was almost two in the evening, I had offer Zuhar salah half an hour ago with greatest efforts I could gather.

This sickness reminds me of mom. This all is too much for me to take in.

'Mom!! I'm leaving', I said after having my breakfast, I was a little slow today, maybe because of the temperature.
Well, mom noticed me being too slow today.
'Zoha, come here darling', she shouted back from the kitchen.
Argh!! If she'll know that I have a fever then she'll never allow me to go.
'Mumma, I'm getting late please, Allah Hafiz', I was trying to escape being cool and all, however, mom being 'the mom', she was now giving me 'I'm serious right now and don't mess with me!', looks.
Guess what now?
Like a five-year-old or so girl who was obeying her mom with full decency, I went to her.
'Yes?', I asked slumping my shoulder, whilst sitting on the kitchen counter.
I can't do anything, mom asked me to sit on the kitchen counter.
Not that it bothers me, I love to sit there whenever mom is in the kitchen.
'You are hot, baby', she elongated in her elated mood and chuckled feeling my forehead with the back of her hand.
And in no time her mood changed, again.....
It is the speciality of moms, they can switch their moods in no time.
Like right now,
'Huh!! mumma hot? Really? you didn't get any other word?', I asked reddened,
'Are you out of your mind Zoha, you felt like a hot dish which is right away taken off from the fire and you want to go for work', mom yelled
Change of mood again, see...
Told yeah!
'Work can wait, my baby',
She said kissing my forehead.
Worry and concern could be easily seen in her hazel eyes.
'But I have a meeting arranged Mumma', I reasoned her,
And she didn't give heed to my word. My words were reaching to deaf ears.
And a single glare from her made me sit quietly.
'In your room! Take some rest I'll bring you some medications', she exclaimed,
And, as a little girl, I obeyed.

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