Chapter 16

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"But they prefer the worldly life While the hereafter is better and more enduring" ~Quràn.

"When a husband and wife look at each other with love, Allah looks at both of them with mercy." ~ Mohammad S.A.W

Zoha's POV
'Assalamualikum' I greeted as soon as I sat in the car and saw my husband whilst the most handsome smile played on his lips like always.
'How was your day?' I asked after hearing his reply.
After two days of rest he started his work from today.
He was Alhamdulillah well again to get back to his work.
Although it took me by surprise since I have to see his work as well, with mine.

Both of us now heading home after this tiring day.
'Exhausted! But Alhamdulillah it is way better than sitting at home for good for nothing' he chuckled.

'It is.' I smiled back to him.

'Zoha' he called to gather my attention to him from the moving road.
'Mr. Ahmed is coming back on Thursday make sure you are free on that day.' Amaan said while changing the lane and peeking a glance at me whenever he can.
I nodded.

All of a sudden my eyes fell on two kids, one boy who was maybe nine and a baby girl in his hand were walking on the lane.
My heart felt thousand feeling of hurt at the moment.
For those tiny souls and all the kids around the world who have to suffer such things.

However just after seconds a lady came running after them.
Their mother, perhaps!

I contentedly smiled thinking they are safe.

I pray to Allah S.W.T for all those kids around the world who have to face the problems in many ways, I hope that they all live a life which have their parent figure in them.
I pray for all those who are suffering.

This was maybe the reminder from Allah S.W.T to visit my orphanage.
I haven't visited them since a while.
I felt ashamed of not visiting them like I used to with mom.

Surely my people look after them and I get each and every report from them however that does not fulfil my duty towards them.

If not out of the city atleast I can visit who are here.
I smiled again.
I'll visit my happiness soon.

'Zoha?' Amaan called out.
'Yes?' I replied to his confused figure.

'I called you like three times. Are you ok?' He asked worried.
'Yes, I was just thinking?' I replied making him chuckle.

'Would you mind if we would have a daughter?' It blurted out from my mouth without even noticing, with a straight look on my face to be added.
If this would be any other situation I would have blushed to the moons but realising my seriousness my husband looked at me with a horrified expression.
He didn't said anything and drived us home as calm as possibly he can.
I didn't said anything either.


After dinner Aunt Farah retired herself for the day.
Amaan was watching the news in the living area.
I slipped to the backyard after doing my stuff.
The cold air in the backyard welcomed me with all it means.
The night turning to its darker shade now.

I was walking slowly oblivious from anything but into my thoughts.
'Mind if I join?' Amaan asked coming next to me and pecking my forehead in a row.
I smiled at him.

We both were surrounded by the comfortable silence.
Our hands enter winged.
Both wondering their own thoughts.

Like always we enjoyed our dinner, the trio I call it now.
I, Amaan and Aunt Farah.

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