Chapter 6

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"And put the trust in Allah.
And enough is Allah as the Disposer of Affairs"~~~~ Quran.

Assalamualaikum everyone.
How was the day?
Mine was Alhamdulillah.
yours was too, isn't it?.
Hopping. ☺☺☺☺☺☺
Enjoy people.
Love yeah😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

Amaan's POV

Happiness is having your life with you, it is that broad smile which never leaves your face, it is an unexpected feeling which you never felt in your life.
Last night wasn't a good start but we tried, she tried her best.
I'll make her try for the good, for her good in sha Allah. I want to spend my whole life with her, I'll care for her, I'll make her happy, I'll be there for her no matter what, I'll hold her hands to make her feel good, to make her feel home.

A stubborn person she is.
I have to broke her unwanted walls circling her heart, I want her to be happy, live happily, I want her to live her life again, I want her to laugh and top it all I want her to love me like I do, In sha Allah.
She will...

However, I have to be patient.
I have to give her time to think,
To grab what is coming to her, for this she needs me, mom and Samya.

For I have a loving and caring family.

I was getting ready to head out for our reception.
Samya told me they will reach at the venue directly from the parlour.
Did that mean I can't see her till then?

Is it so?


Scowl made its place on my face but soon after it was replaced by a smirk as I realised that I can go for the marathon right now, the marathon to see my beautiful wife right away before anyone can.

OK!! Not that I'm going to run.


Ready to accomplish the mission Amaan?

Aye aye, Captain!!........

Wow, Amaan!!
Rolling my eyes on my mature self I hurriedly went towards my car, only to get her glance.

What else I'm gonna do for you Zoha?...
I chuckled.
I am smitten!!

I saw mom when I hurried out of the car, I halted my rushing inner engine there, not wanting any trouble for coming out this long.
She raised her brows amusingly asking me for my presence.
Seeing me hesitating, she went inside without saying anything.
Thank God!!
I hope wasn't blushing?
Isn't it?

I growled loud enough, only for my ears to listen.
I'm overacting.
Yes!! my inner me demanded.

After like five minutes mom appeared again and gestured me to go inside and gave me her 'I'm your mom' look smile.
Kissing her cheeks and telling her a quick thank you, I went inside only to see Zoha sitting alone,

Yes, people, this is what mom did.
I smiled.
I leaned on the door sideways and cleared my throat to let her know my presence.
She was shocked to see me there and stood up on an instance, stumbling a bit, causing me to move instantaneously to hold her.
Otherwise, she would have fallen down.
My clumsy girl!
I chuckled.

Her long lashes were cascaded down a bit on her cheeks.
'Alhamdulillah,' I muttered,
Her eyes searched mine and then I realised I said that out loud unknowingly.
I smiled at her, she shyly looked down again.
On my chest, I guess...
Taking her hand in mine I kissed her knuckles and pulled my hand to leave, however, in no moments she held my hand again in hers.
My brows arched, looking at the miserable beauty in front of me.

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