Chapter 5

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"And women of purity are for men of purity and men of purity are for women of purity"~~~~ Quran.

Assalamualaikum guys.
How are you?
Nikah day.......of (our)couple.

Amaan's POV

I was surrounded by the feelings I did not have any idea about and excitement and nervousness were causing havoc in my already twisted system.

It is that euphoric feeling of walking on air when I know I am going to have the one I love.
Feelings to make her happy, to give her what she deserves, to love her, to give her tranquillity, peace and to give her every bit of me.
Feeling of being in love with someone I love, the effect of having that twisted feelings around me just because of you.
I love the feeling of loving you and being in love with you Zoha.
I love it.

Mahn!! I sound so clichè

Ya Allah, guide us to the right path.
Help us to be the coolness of each other's eyes.
Help us to walk through the path of Sunnah.

Today is the day of our nikah, 'I and Zoha', I was eagerly waiting for the day to come, I didn't see her, mom told me she was totally fine after that day, her doctor told us it was because of stress, Argghh! ....I don't know, why does she think too much? Why is she so selfless? Why does she have to cry every night to sleep? Why?
I do not know this all for now, however, after our wedding, I won't let you cry Zoha, I won't let you stop being you, I won't stop loving you in sha Allah.

In sha Allah.

I'll love her, for the sake of Allah S.W.T in sha Allah.

Zoha's POV

The Whole week passed by shopping, shopping and shopping!! Aunt Farah and Samya use to pick me daily, take me to shops and then like, go on...
These days were exhausted, they pick and select dresses for me and I would only nod for what they want. Samya was literally a crazy shopper, she bought a whole lot of dresses, saying 'it is my one and only brothers wedding'.
We both laughed at her attempts.
For me, aunt Farah and Samya were the closest persons I could ever have in my life, after my mom and dad and now probably he would make a place in it too.

I sighed...
Only if I can drop my guards around him.

I don't know how or why my heart can't feel love anymore, after mom everything was very difficult for me, I was alone.
Once a too loving princess of her mom was just left alone to be loved by none.
I felt a part of me was taken away from me when mom died, I don't laugh, I don't smile the same, I don't talk anymore.
I'm tired........
I'm tired of living in my own head.
I'm tired of being alone.
Then, how could I do this? I don't want to be the reason for ruining his life.
And now after a whole year when I became used to with this situation of mine, someone is waiting for me to come into his happy life.
To spend his whole life with me.
To share his happiness with me.
To embrace me, to care for me.
But only if I can do that ...........
'Hey, what happened, Zoha?', Samya asked poking my cheeks to bring me out of my reverie.
'Are you daydreaming girl?', she asked giving me a slight push on my shoulder with her's and chuckling in the process.
'Huh!! No, just nothing' I said trying to avoid her gazes which were trying to find the answers from mine, slumping my shoulder.
'It's ok Zoha, don't worry everything will be fine, in sha Allah.
Have faith in Allah S.W.T darling'. She affirmed and hugged me before bidding a bye, only to see me tomorrow first in the morning.
In sha Allah.
She has some work left to do at home for THE NIKAH.

Aunt Farah told me to get up early and be ready as she was sending Samya to take me because she wants me to be there at her home not at my home, she knew if I'll be left alone at my home than I'll only end up thinking about my parents.

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