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 Kate woke up in one of the guest bedrooms of the Salvatore house. Her whole life, she never had any desire to come close to her father, but here she was, in his house. Her stomach turned at the thought of why she came here.

Katherine. The bane of Kate's existence is bound to come back to Mystic Falls, and Kate will be ready. After the hell she put Genivive through, Kate would finally have her revenge. The second Katherine showed up, Kate wouldn't waste a second before shoving a stake through her heart.

Kate got dressed and walked downstairs. Damon was already drinking, which was pretty normal for him. Stefan was on the phone in the other room. Kate sauntered in and grabbed a glass, but Damon swiftly snatched it back.

"I hope you're planning on pouring some orange juice into that," he smirked. Kate laughed.

"Look at you trying to be all dad. FWI, I'm well over twenty one." She went to grab the glass again, but Damon held it out of her reach.

"You might be, but your body isn't. How old were you when you turned? Thirteen?" Before Damon could react, Kate sped over and grabbed the glass and the bottle.

"Try fifteen." She then sped off and out of the house.

Kate walked through downtown Mystic Falls. She wanted to see how much had changed since 1864. She walked up to a restaurant called the Grill. She was getting hungry, so why not eat here? She walked inside and took a seat at the bar. A cute bartender came over. He had blonde hair and stunning blue eyes. His name tag said Matt.

"Can I see some ID?" he asked. Kate looked into his eyes.

"I don't think you need any ID," she compelled. He shook his head.

"Tip one to new vampires: half of the town is on vervain," he explained.

"Well, since you know about vampires, you know I'm well over twenty one."

"I can't be seen serving to someone who appears to be in high school."

"Fine, how about a burger?" she asked. He nodded and walked away. Kate heard a familiar voice behind her. She didn't think she would get her chance so soon. Without wasting a second, Kate sped off to the bathroom, grabbing Katherine on the way. With one arm, she pinned her to the wall, and with the other, she broke the leg off of a wooden chair.

"Remember me, Katherine?" she said tormented, inching the stake closer and closer to her heart.

"I'm not Katherine!" the girl cried. It phased Kate for half of a second, before she realized her game.

"Nice-"Kate didn't get to finish because a blonde vampire knocked her to the ground. Kate went to lunge at her, but she fell to the ground again. It felt like every part of her brain was exploding in her head all at once. A witch came around the corner.

"Ah!" Kate cried.

"Elena, are you okay?" the vampire asked.

The witch got closer to Kate, preparing for another attack.

"Bonnie, no!" Elena cried, "She thinks I'm Katherine." The three girls studied Kate.

"That explains why she wanted to kill you," the vampire mused. Kate pushed herself up and dusted off her legs, as if she wasn't fazed by the fight.

"Who are you?" Elena asked.

"Kate. Sorry about that, I thought you were someone else," Kate said before speeding off. She didn't really feel like sticking around. Doppelgangers weren't news to Kate. They were the whole reason Genivive and Katherine knew each other. They were the reason Katherine tried to kill Kate.

Kate went back to the Salvatore house. Damon had left, but Stefan was there. "So, this town's got a doppelganger," she started. Stefan laughed.

"I see you've met Elena. That's Damon's girlfriend," Kate laughed. "What?"

"Nothing," she replied, brushing it off.

"No, what's so funny?" he pushed.

"It's just that Katherine fell for you, and now another doppelganger falls for Damon. That's got to be weird for you," she explained.

"Not as weird as you'd think. We're all friends," he explained. Kate rolled her eyes.

"Is there anything to do in this town?" she asked.

"Actually, there's a founder's party tomorrow. You should come."

"That doesn't really sound like my kind of thing."

"Oh come on. You could meet some of the other people who live here. There'll be alcohol," he joked.

"Okay, fine. I just need to go shopping," Kate yawned.

"Elena and some friends are going tomorrow, you should tag along," Stefan suggested.

"If it's the witch and the blonde vampire, I'll pass," she stated.


"We sort of had a run-in at the Grill."

Stefan raised an eyebrow, "What kind of run-in?"

"Let's just say I thought she was Katherine, and I wasn't holding back."

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