The Night I Became a Vampire

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After Klaus's story, the door to the Salvatore house opened. "That must be-"before Damon could finish, Klaus was at the front door. He looked like he was about to break down.

"It really is you," he mused. Kate looked terrified.

"How did you find me?" she asked.

"Rebekah called me the second she found out you were here. We thought you were dead, but we never stopped looking."

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted her," Kate spit.

"Why'd you leave?" Klaus asked. "You were like a daughter to my family, and you know we'd never do anything to hurt you."

"Oh, you wouldn't? Klaus, you should ask your brother about what happened to me the night I turned."

"What would Elijah-"

"Not Elijah!" Klaus's face fell. He didn't like to talk about Kol and Kate's relationship. It was strange to him, and he never fully trusted him. Kate brought out the best in him, though.

"Am I missing something?" Damon asked.

"Why don't I tell you what happened the night I became a vampire." Kate started.

The Mikaleson's decided not to tell Kate about them being vampires. They wanted to so many times, but she was still so innocent. They didn't want her to think of them as monsters.

Klaus had started to become a father figure to Kate. She still saw him as her savior. All of the Mikaelsons saw her as a part of their family, except Kol. Somewhere along the way he and Kate had developed a love that was unlike any other. He brought her out of her shell, and she brought out the humanity in them.

Nobody knew how in love Kol actually was, though. He had been slipping Kate vampire blood all day, and that night he was going to break her neck. He didn't want to risk her being taken away from him. He wanted to be with her forever.

Kate and Kol sat in her room looking at books. Kol was waiting for the perfect moment. Eventually, he grew impatient and creeped up behind her. Suddenly, a loud crash startled both of them.

"We should go down there," she said, standing up and walking to the door. Kol sped in front of her.

"It could be dangerous, you should stay up here," he lied. She brushed past him and down the stairs.

"Come on, Kol. Let's just go make sure everything's okay." Kol sighed in frustration and followed her down the stairs. Klaus and some human were standing in the center of a large group.

"People don't just get away with messing with my sister," Klaus hissed.

"Whatever, she's a pig anyways," the drunk laughed. Klaus inched closer.

"You'll want to apologize," he taunted. Kate and Kol had inched closer to the front of the crowd. From where she was standing, Kate could see that the man was about to pull a gun on Klaus. She had no idea that it wouldn't phase him. Just as the man aimed at Klaus, Kate ran out in front of him.

"No!" she cried before a bullet pierced her chest. Kate's lifeless body plummeted to the ground. Rebekah was in shock. Elijah was in disbelief.

"Everybody out!" Klaus howled. The room cleared in a flash. The man who shot the gun tried to sneak out quietly, but Kol came to him first.

"Not you," Kol growled before ripping the man's heart out. The family assembled around Kate's body. Rebekah was in tears while Elijah held her. Rebekah shrugged him off and sped out of the house. Klaus said nothing, but the dangerous look on his face told everything. Kol was oddly calm. The rest of the family assumed he was in shock.

Klaus bent down next to Kate's body. "We should have told her," he muttered. Elijah bent down next to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You did the right thing by keeping us a secret. She never would have seen us as more than monsters-"

"No!" he howled. "If we would have told her she would be standing here without a bullet in her chest!"

Kol smiled. "Brother," Elijah started, "this is hardly the time for humor." Kol shook his head.

"Actually, we should be celebrating." He muttered. In a flash, Klaus had him pinned to the wall.

"We all loved her, especially you! How can you celebrate her death," he hissed. Kol laughed.

"Because with death, there is rebirth, brother." Before Klaus could say anything, he heard someone gasping for air behind him. He turned around to see Kate, sitting up and looking confused. Klaus was next to her, holding on to her for dear life.

"What did you do?" he asked.

"Meet the newest vampire in the Mikaelson family."

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