I'm Not Leaving

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Kate spent the next two days at the Salvatore house since she didn't really want to deal with Rebekah or Kol. She'd been consuming herself with going through her chest. She'd already put aside her favorite dress from the twenties to wear tomorrow night. She'd found lots of notes from Kol. Kate thought about burning them, but figured she'd keep them for a while longer.

A knock on the door snapped Kate from her thoughts. She groaned and walked down the stairs. Kate looked through the peep hole and saw none other than Kol Mikaelson. Kate walked away, not wanting to deal with him. Kate walked into the kitchen and grabbed herself a blood bag. She didn't realize how hungry she was. Come to think of it, she couldn't think of the last time she fed.

"The Kate I knew scoffed at blood bags," Kol teased from behind her. Kate didn't even turn around.

"Just leave, Kol. I'm not in the mood." He sped in front of her. Only then did she notice that he was carrying a box. "What's that?" she asked.

"So I've peaked her interest," he mused. "Anyways, it's for you." Kate gave him a confused look. She didn't know if she wanted anything from him.

"No way, I don't want anything from you."

"Come on, it's nothing bad. It's just things I've collected," he explained.


"After you left, I kept seeing things that I knew you'd love. I figured I'd keep them until one day I found you. That way, it'd feel like we were never apart." The way he explained it was so unlike Kol. All jokes or sarcastic was gone. He was being genuine.

"You might as well go pawn it all," she said, dismissing him.

"Look, I realize that you hate me and all, but the least you can do is give me a chance."

"No, Kol. The least I can do is not hunt for a dagger so you'd finally leave me alone." Kate stormed off, thinking that the conversation was over. Suddenly, Kol was just inches away from her face. She could feel his breath on her skin.

"You were never like this. You were always kind and innocent. You'd always put others before yourself. The girl I fell in love with brought out the humanity in me." Kate smirked.

"So, what? You aren't in love with me anymore?" she joked, walking away. Kol gripped her arm and slammed her into the wall. The impact even shocked her.

"No, I'm still in love with that girl I used to know. I will stop at nothing to get her back. Get used to me hanging around, because I'm not leaving."

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